首页> 外文期刊>Animal Reproduction Science >The effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate on behavioural responses of captive female hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas)

The effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate on behavioural responses of captive female hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas)

机译:醋酸甲羟孕酮对圈养雌性狒狒狒狒(Papio hamadryas)行为反应的影响

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Female hormonal contraception is considered here as an alternative to vasectomy for population control in social groups of captive hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas). While female hormonal contraceptive methods have been successful, behavioural effects of such agents represent a potential welfare concern. This study examined the effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA; 3.5mg/kg) on perineal tumescence and behaviour in three social groups (total of 3 males, 22 females) of captive hamadryas baboons. The agent had little effect on social interactions such as grooming relationships, aggression and affiliation (all P >0.05), but did cause a reduction in sexual behaviour (P <0.001). Females-mounting-females and females receiving mounting was decreased during MPA treatment compared with the minimal tumescence phase (P <0.001). Age strongly influenced the contraceptive's duration: there was a significant correlation between age and latency of return to oestrus post-MPA (r =0.832, P <0.001) with the latency increasing by 2.61 days per year of age on average. Age also influenced the frequency of behaviours such as affiliation and aggression (P <0.001 and P =0.044, respectively). The absence of adverse behavioural effects further supports the use of MPA in the hamadryas baboon, and its potential use in other non-human primates.
机译:在这里,女性荷尔蒙避孕被认为是输卵管切除术的替代选择,以控制圈养哈马德狒狒狒狒(Papio hamadryas)的社会群体中的人口。尽管女性荷尔蒙避孕方法很成功,但这种药物的行为影响却代表着潜在的福利问题。这项研究检查了醋酸甲羟孕酮(MPA; 3.5mg / kg)对圈养hammadryas狒狒的三个社会群体(总计3男性,22女性)的会阴肿胀和行为的影响。该剂对社交互动如修饰关系,攻击性和从属关系几乎没有影响(所有P> 0.05),但确实导致性行为减少(P <0.001)。与最小肿胀阶段相比,MPA治疗期间雌性坐骑的雌性和雌性坐骑的人数减少(P <0.001)。年龄极大地影响了避孕药的持续时间:年龄与MPA后发情回到潜伏期之间存在显着相关性(r = 0.832,P <0.001),平均每年潜伏期增加2.61天。年龄也影响了诸如隶属关系和攻击行为等行为的频率(分别为P <0.001和P = 0.044)。不存在不良行为影响进一步支持了在hamadryas狒狒中使用MPA及其在其他非人类灵长类动物中的潜在用途。



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