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Detection of free hemoglobin in blood products using transmission spectra and fluorescence spectra for quality assurance


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As the level of free hemoglobin is an indicator of hemolysis resulting from destroyed red blood cells, it is an important parameter for assessing the quality and usability of blood products before transfusion. To ensure the quality of red blood cells before transfusion, sensitive and reliable pre- testing of blood products is required to avoid errors caused by hemolysis. We present a method of detection of free hemoglobin (fHb) concentration using transmission spectra and fluorescence spectra. This lays a reliable foundation for further non- destructive study of fHb concentration measurement in blood bags. Whole blood and plasma of different fHb concentrations varying from 0.140 to 2.865 g L-1 were prepared by professionals. Samples included 52 whole blood samples and 49 plasma samples. The fluorescence spectra and transmission spectra were then acquired respectively, and a partial least squares model was established to predict the fHb concentrations. The concentration of fHb in whole blood or plasma can be detected well using the transmission spectra within a short time, whereas the fluorescence spectra can measure well the concentration of fHb in plasma only. The prediction correlation coefficient reached more than 0.98. The results demonstrate great potential for use of transmission spectra and fluorescence spectra for non- destructive measurement of fHb concentration before transfusion.
机译:由于游离血红蛋白的水平是红血球破坏导致溶血的指标,因此它是评估输血前血液制品质量和可用性的重要参数。为了确保输血前红细胞的质量,需要对血液产品进行敏感而可靠的预测试,以避免溶血引起的错误。我们提出了一种使用透射光谱和荧光光谱检测游离血红蛋白(fHb)浓度的方法。这为进一步无损研究血袋中fHb浓度奠定了可靠的基础。专业人士准备了fHb浓度范围从0.140到2.865 g L-1的全血和血浆。样本包括52个全血样本和49个血浆样本。然后分别获取荧光光谱和透射光谱,并建立偏最小二乘模型以预测fHb浓度。可以在短时间内使用透射光谱很好地检测全血或血浆中fHb的浓度,而荧光光谱只能很好地测量血浆中fHb的浓度。预测相关系数达到0.98以上。结果表明,利用透射光谱和荧光光谱进行输血前fHb浓度的无损检测具有很大的潜力。



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