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On the production of the medium component in quartz OSL: Experiments and simulations


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Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) production of the medium component was investigated using a coarsegrained quartz sample from Australia. Analysis of OSL decay curves measured at different stimulation temperatures revealed that there was strong interaction between the initial occupancies of fast and medium OSL components. Preheating experiments showed that the thermal stability of the medium OSL component was almost the same as that of the fast OSL component. These results suggested that both the fast and medium OSL components originate from the same source trap. The production of the medium OSL component was simulated using a kinetic model in which the medium OSL signal was originated from the 325 degrees C TL trap and the relevant charge is retrapped in the 170 degrees C TL trap due to the phototransfer effect. A good match between measured and simulated OSL decay curve was achieved.



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