首页> 外文期刊>Annals of anatomy =: Anatomischer Anzeiger : official organ of the Anatomische Gesellschaft >Anatomic variation of the celiac trunk with special reference to hepatic artery patterns.

Anatomic variation of the celiac trunk with special reference to hepatic artery patterns.


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Based on a large homogeneous sample from a Japanese population, anatomic variations in the celiac trunk (CT) and the hepatic artery were studied. Previously we analyzed the branching mode of the CT in 450 Japanese cadavers. In order to maximize the database on the CT and hepatic artery, we examined the anatomy of these arteries in 524 cadavers, a total of 974 cases. A total of 89.8% of cases showed the classical trifurcation of the CT. The typical normal pattern of the CT and the hepatic artery was confirmed in 66.6% and 72.4% of the cadavers, respectively. Variant left and right hepatic arteries were observed in 11.0% and 4.9%, respectively. A variant anatomy involving both the left and right hepatic arteries was found in 1.5%. A common hepatosplenic trunk and a gastrohepatic trunk were seen in 4.4% and 0.3%, respectively. A common hepatic artery (CHA) arising from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) or directly from the aorta was present in 3.5% or 0.5%, respectively. A hepatosplenomesenteric trunk and a celiomesenteric trunk were encountered in 0.7%, respectively. This anatomical update of the CT and the hepatic artery can be useful for transplantation and general surgeons, as well as vascular radiologists in this area.
机译:根据来自日本人群的大量同质样本,研究了腹腔干(CT)和肝动脉的解剖学变化。以前,我们分析了450例日本尸体中CT的分支模式。为了最大化CT和肝动脉的数据库,我们检查了524具尸体中这些动脉的解剖结构,共974例。共有89.8%的病例表现为CT的经典三叉形。分别有66.6%和72.4%的尸体证实了CT和肝动脉的典型正常形态。观察到左肝动脉和右肝动脉的变异分别为11.0%和4.9%。在1.5%的患者中发现了涉及左右肝动脉的不同解剖结构。常见的肝脾干和胃肝干分别占4.4%和0.3%。由肠系膜上动脉(SMA)或直接由主动脉引起的肝总动脉(CHA)分别占3.5%或0.5%。肝脾肠上皮和胸膜上皮分别占0.7%。 CT和肝动脉的这种解剖学更新对于该区域的移植和普通外科医师以及血管放射科医生可能是有用的。



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