首页> 外文期刊>Annals of allergy, asthma, and immunology >Inverse association between rural environment in infancy and sensitization to rodents in adulthood.

Inverse association between rural environment in infancy and sensitization to rodents in adulthood.


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BACKGROUND: It is not known whether early childhood exposure to hygiene hypothesis factors modifies the risk of sensitization to aeroallergens among adults. Studying adults exposed to allergens in the workplace may help determine whether childhood exposures confer lasting protection against sensitization. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether early life exposures influence the prevalence of sensitization to allergens in adulthood. METHODS: Sensitization to rodents was determined by skin testing in a cross-sectional study among university employees with and without occupational exposure to laboratory animals. Demographic information was obtained by questionnaire. RESULTS: Of 137 employees, 8% of workers without occupational exposure to laboratory animals and 24% of those with such exposure were sensitized to rodents (P = .007). None of 32 study participants who lived in a rural environment during their first year of life were rodent sensitized vs 18% of those who lived in other settings (P < .01). Rural setting in infancy was also associated with a decreased prevalence of sensitization to outdoor allergens (odds ratio [OR], 0.36; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.14-0.95). After adjusting for multiple confounders, sensitization to rodents remained rare among individuals who lived in a rural setting during infancy (OR, <0.15). Rodent sensitization was more prevalent among those with higher educational attainment (OR, 9.50; 95% CI, 1.10-82.02) and those sensitized to indoor allergens (OR, 6.22; 95% CI, 1.42-27.24). Sensitization to rodents was not significantly associated with having older siblings or sensitization to outdoor allergens. CONCLUSIONS: Living in a rural setting during the first year of life is associated with protection from sensitization to rodent allergens in the workplace decades later.
机译:背景:尚不清楚儿童早期接触卫生假说因素是否会改变成年人对气变应原致敏的风险。对在工作场所暴露于过敏原的成年人进行研究可能有助于确定儿童时期的暴露是否赋予持久的抗敏化作用。目的:确定早期生命暴露是否会影响成人对过敏原的致敏率。方法:通过皮肤试验在一项横断面研究中确定了对啮齿动物的敏感性,该研究在有和没有职业性接触实验动物的大学员工中进行。人口统计信息是通过问卷调查获得的。结果:在137名员工中,没有职业性接触实验动物的工人中有8%,而没有这种职业的人员中有24%的人对啮齿动物敏感(P = .007)。在出生后的第一年中,住在农村环境中的32位研究参与者中没有一位对啮齿动物致敏,而在其他环境中的参与者则为18%(P <.01)。农村地区的婴儿期也与对室外过敏原的致敏率降低有关(几率[OR]为0.36; 95%置信区间[CI]为0.14-0.95)。在调整了多个混杂因素之后,在婴儿时期居住在农村的个体中对啮齿动物的敏感性仍然很少(OR,<0.15)。受过较高教育的人(OR为9.50; 95%CI为1.10-82.02)和对室内过敏原敏感的人(OR为6.22; 95%CI为1.42-27.24)更为普遍。对啮齿动物的过敏与同龄兄弟姐妹或对室外过敏原的过敏没有显着相关。结论:生命的第一年生活在农村环境与数十年后在工作场所免受啮齿动物过敏原致敏有关。



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