首页> 外文期刊>Annals of anatomy =: Anatomischer Anzeiger : official organ of the Anatomische Gesellschaft >The Etruscan skulls of the Rostock anatomical collection--how do they compare with the skeletal findings of the first thousand years B. C.?

The Etruscan skulls of the Rostock anatomical collection--how do they compare with the skeletal findings of the first thousand years B. C.?


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Seven Etruscan skulls were found in Corneto Tarquinia in the years 1881 and 1882 and were given as present to Rostock's anatomical collection in 1882. The origin of the Etruscans who were contemporary with the Celts is not yet clear; according to Herodotus they had emigrated from Lydia in Asia Minor to Italy. To fit the Etruscan skulls into an ethnological grid they were compared with skeletal remains of the first thousand years B.C. E. All skulls were found to be male; their age ranged from 20 to 60 years, with an average age of about thirty. A comparison of the median sagittal outlines of the Etruscan skulls and the contemporary Hallstatt-Celtic skulls from North Bavaria showed that the former were shorter and lower. Maximum skull length, minimum frontal breadth, ear bregma height, bizygomatical breadth and orbital breadth of the Etruscan skulls were statistically significantly less developed compared to Hallstatt-Celtics from North Bavaria. In comparison to other contemporary skeletal remains the Etruscan skulls had no similarities in common with Hallstatt-Celtic skulls from North Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg but rather with Hallstatt-Celtic skulls from Hallstatt in Austria. Compared to chronologically adjacent skeletal remains the Etruscan skulls did not show similarities with Early Bronze Age skulls from Moravia but with Latene-Celtic skulls from Manching in South Bavaria. Due to the similarities of the Etruscan skulls with some Celtic skulls from South Bavaria and Austria, it seems more likely that the Etruscans were original inhabitants of Etruria than immigrants.
机译:1881年和1882年在Corneto Tarquinia发现了7具伊特鲁里亚人的头骨,并于1882年将其赠送给罗斯托克的解剖学收藏。根据Herodotus的说法,他们是从小亚细亚的Lydia移民到意大利的。为了将伊特鲁里亚人的头骨放入人种学网格中,将它们与公元前一千年的遗骸进行了比较。 E.发现所有头骨均为男性;他们的年龄为20至60岁,平均年龄约为30岁。对伊特鲁里亚人头骨和北巴伐利亚州当代哈尔施塔特-凯尔特人头骨的矢状矢状轮廓进行比较,发现前者较短且较低。与北巴伐利亚州的哈尔施塔特-凯尔特人队相比,伊特鲁里亚人头骨的最大头骨长度,最小额叶宽度,耳朵前reg高,双zy骨宽度和眼眶宽度在统计学上明显欠佳。与其他当代骨骼遗骸相比,伊特鲁里亚人的头骨与北巴伐利亚和巴登-符腾堡州的哈尔施塔特-凯尔特人头骨没有相似之处,但与奥地利哈尔施塔特的哈尔施塔特-凯尔特人头骨没有相似之处。与按时间顺序排列的相邻骨骼相比,伊特鲁里亚人的头骨与摩拉维亚的青铜时代早期的头骨没有相似之处,但与南巴伐利亚的曼兴的Latene-Celtic头骨却没有相似之处。由于伊特鲁里亚人头骨与南巴伐利亚和奥地利的一些凯尔特人头骨相似,所以伊特鲁里亚人似乎比移民是伊特鲁里亚人的原始居民。



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