
Chrono-endocrinology--quo vadis?


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The present review deals with important new chronobiological results especially in the field of chronoendocrinology, shedding new light on the circadian organisation of mammals including man. In vitro studies have shown that the concept of the existence of a single circadian oscillator located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus has to be extended. Circadian oscillators have also been found to exist in the retina, islets of Langerhans, liver, lung, and fibroblasts. Another major result is the detection of a new photopigment, melanopsin, present in a subpopulation of retinal ganglion cells which are lightsensitive and project to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, acting as zeitgeber for the photic entrainment of the circadian rhythm. We are only beginning to understand how the circadian oscillator transmits the circadian message to the endocrine system. The generation of circadian and seasonal rhythms of hormone synthesis is best understood in the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin. Seasonal changes of melatonin synthesis are transduced in the pars tuberalis of the adenohypophysis which is now entering the limelight of chronoendocrinological research. Currently, the elucidation of the genetic basis and the molecular organisation of the circadian oscillator within individual cells is a major thrust in chronobiological research.



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