首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Nanotechnology >Research on the application of bio-scaffold materials in rehabilitation of sports articular cartilage injury

Research on the application of bio-scaffold materials in rehabilitation of sports articular cartilage injury


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Objective: This paper summarises the application characteristics of tissue engineering technology and biological materials in preventing and treating sports articular cartilage injury. Methods: Using "articular cartilage, tissue engineering technology, biological materials" as the Chinese keywords, and "tissue engineering, articular cartilage, scaffold material" as the English keywords, the Pubmed database (http://www.ncbi.nlm) was searched by computer .nih.gov/PubMed) and the related articles of the Vip database (http://www.cqvip.com/) 1993-01/2010-10, excluding duplicate research or meta-analysis articles. Based on 23 articles, the focus is on the discussion of seed cells, scaffold materials, cytokines and their properties in repairing sports articular cartilage injury. Results: More than 104 documents were obtained from the initial computer examination. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the seed cells, bioscaffold materials and cytokines used in tissue engineering cartilage were summarised and analysed. Seed cells are the primary factor restricting the further clinical application of tissue engineering cartilage. Currently used seed cells are chondrocytes, bone marrow stromal stem cells and embryonic stem cells; bioscaffold materials include natural materials and synthetic degradable polymers; the growth factors of tissue engineering used for cartilage mainly include transforming growth factor, bone morphogenetic protein, fibroblast growth factor, insulin-like growth factor and so on. Conclusion: So far, no matter whether it is seed cells, scaffold materials, culture environment, etc. of engineering cartilage, no one material is considered to be the most ideal, and seeking a tissue engineered articular cartilage with good performance is the focus of future research. However, many studies are still in the experimental stage, and there are still some problems to be solved, especially after the tissue engineering cell scaffold material is implanted into the body, whether the degradation of the material is synchronised with the function of the cell, will there be genetic material changes, gene expression or genetic mutations and other issues, the application of it to the clinical needs of the relevant scholars and experts will continue to be practised and explored.



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