首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science >The variability of yield and baking quality of wheat and suitability for export from Nordic-Baltic conditions

The variability of yield and baking quality of wheat and suitability for export from Nordic-Baltic conditions

机译:小麦产量和烘焙质量的可变性,适用于北欧 - 波罗的海条件

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Nordic conditions necessitate varieties adapted to marginal environments (short vegetation period, winter damages etc.) to reduce environmental influence on yield and quality. This study evaluated yield and quality variability of five spring and six winter wheat varieties grown in six locations throughout Estonia during 2011-2014. The variation of quality parameters was larger in spring wheat, according to the coefficient of variation. Average protein content for spring wheat was 13.6%, for winter wheat 13.3%. Average gluten content was 29.1% for spring wheat, 29.4% for winter wheat. Spring wheat varieties 'Manu' and 'Quarna' and winter wheat varieties 'Ada', 'Fredis', and 'Ramiro' had the highest baking quality. Protein and gluten content variation for both types of wheat depended mostly on the year. Baking strength W was higher for spring wheat. Variation of W of spring wheat depended more on genotype while variation of winter wheat more on year. The ratio of tenacity and extensibility (P/L) was similar for both wheat types; variation depended most on genotype. Average yield of winter wheat was 6.8 and spring wheat 5.3 t ha(-1). 'Nemunas', 'Kallas', and 'Skagen' were high yielding among winter wheat varieties and had the best stability according to cultivar superiority index



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