首页> 外文期刊>Agronomy Journal >Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Irrigated Corn for Three Cropping Systems in Nebraska

Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Irrigated Corn for Three Cropping Systems in Nebraska


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Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is of economic and environmental importance. Components of NUE were evaluated at in 32 irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) trials conducted across Nebraska with different N rates and where the previous crop was either corn (CC), drybean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (CD), or soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] (CS). The mean grain yield with adequate nutrient availability was 14.7 Mg ha(-1). When no N was applied, measured soil properties and irrigation water N accounted for <20% of the variation in plant nitrogen uptake (UN). Mean fertilizer N recovery in aboveground biomass was 74% at the lowest N rate compared with 40% at the highest N rate, a mean of 64% at the economically optimal nitrogen rate (EONR), and least with CD. Agronomic efficiency of fertilizer N averaged 29 kg grain kg(-1) N at EONR and was also least with CD. Partial factor productivity of N averaged 100 kg grain kg(-1) N at EONR, and was greater with CS compared with CC and CD. Aft er harvest, residual soil nitrate nitrogen (RSN) in the 0- to 1.2-m depth ranged from 21 to 121 kg ha(-1) and increased with N rate. Mean RSN was 88, 59, and 59 kg ha(-1) for CD, CC, and CS, respectively. High corn yields can be achieved with high NUE and low RSN by management to maximize profitability in consideration of yield potential, and by applying N at the right amount and time.
机译:氮利用效率(NUE)具有经济和环境重要性。在整个内布拉斯加州进行的32个灌溉玉米(Zea mays L.)试验中,以不同的氮比对NUE的组成进行了评估,以前的作物是玉米(CC),干豆(Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)(CD)或大豆[大豆最大(L.)Merr。](CS)。具有足够养分利用率的平均谷物产量为14.7 Mg ha(-1)。当不施用氮肥时,测得的土壤性质和灌溉水氮含量不足植物氮吸收量(UN)的20%。在最低氮肥水平下,地上生物量的平均氮素回收率为74%,而在最高氮肥水平下为40%,在经济最佳氮肥水平(EONR)下平均为64%,而CD最少。在EONR上,肥料N的农艺效率平均为29 kg谷物kg(-1)N,而CD则最低。在EONR,N的偏因子生产率平均为100 kg谷物kg(-1)N,与CS和CD相比,与CS相比更高。收获后,0-1.2-m深度的残留土壤硝态氮(RSN)范围为21-121 kg ha(-1),并随着N的增加而增加。 CD,CC和CS的平均RSN分别为88、59和59 kg ha(-1)。通过高NUE和低RSN可以实现高玉米产量,这要归功于管理层在考虑单产潜力的情况下最大程度地提高了获利能力,并通过在适当的数量和时间施用氮肥。


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