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The plant nutrition impact on the quality and quantity parameters of maize hybrids grain yield based on different statistical methods


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In recent years, producers of agricultural products have increased the use of chemical fertilizers per unit area. The goal of this research was to analyze the interaction of genotype in treatment (NPK fertilizer) on grain yield, protein content, oil content, and the starch content on 13 maize hybrids using analysis by the model of additive and multiplier effects AMMI and to evaluate genotypes, treatments, and their interactions using biplot in Hungary. Treatments include NPK0 (N: 0 kg/ha, P2O5:0 kg/ha, K2O: 0 kg/ha), NPK1 (N: 30 kg/ha, P2O5: 23 kg/ha, K2O: 27 kg/ha), NPK2 (N: 60 kg/ha, P2O5: 46 kg/ha, K2O: 54 kg/ha), NPK3 (N: 90 kg/ha, P2O5: 69 kg/ha, K2O: 81 kg/ha), NPK4 (N: 120 kg/ha, P2O5: 92 kg/ha, K2O: 108 kg/ha), NPK5 (N: 150 kg/ha, P2O5: 115 kg/ha, K2O: 135 kg/ha) in four replications based on complete randomized block design in 2019. The NPK fertilizer effects indicate that the fertilizers are different on yield genotype. AMMI analysis showed that there was a significant difference between genotypes, treatment, and the interaction effect of genotype * treatment at one percent. Besides, the maximum yield had Loupiac and NPK3 on grain yield, Loupiac and NPK2 on oil content, P0023, and NPK3 for starch content, DKC 3/ES4725 (DKC4725) and NPK3 for protein content. Also, GGE biplot analysis indicates that had maximum grain yield in Loupiac, protein content in P9978, oil content in MV Maronetta, and starch content in Sushi.
机译:近年来,农产品生产者增加了单位面积化肥的使用量。本研究的目的是利用AMMI加性效应和倍增效应模型分析13个玉米杂交种的基因型处理(NPK肥料)对产量、蛋白质含量、含油量和淀粉含量的交互作用,并在匈牙利利用biplot评估基因型、处理及其交互作用。治疗包括NPK0(N:0 kg/ha,P2O5:0 kg/ha,K2O:0 kg/ha),NPK1(N:30 kg/ha,P2O5:23 kg/ha,K2O:27 kg/ha),NPK2(N:60 kg/ha,P2O5:46 kg/ha,K2O:54 kg/ha),NPK3(N:90 kg/ha,P2O5:69 kg/ha,K2O:81 kg/ha),NPK4(N:120 kg/ha,P2O5:92 kg/ha,K2O:108 kg/ha),NPK5(N:150,P2O5:135/ha,K2O:135 kg/ha),根据完全随机区组设计,每公顷四次重复。氮磷钾肥料效应表明,不同肥料的产量基因型不同。AMMI分析表明,基因型、治疗和基因型*治疗的交互效应在1%时存在显著差异。此外,产量最高的品种有籽粒产量的Loupiac和NPK3,含油量的Loupiac和NPK2,淀粉含量的P0023和NPK3,蛋白质含量的DKC 3/ES4725(DKC4725)和NPK3。此外,GGE双批次分析表明,Loupiac的谷物产量最高,P9978的蛋白质含量最高,MV Maronetta的油含量最高,寿司的淀粉含量最高。



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