首页> 外文期刊>Applied thermal engineering: Design, processes, equipment, economics >Additive yield response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer across smallholder farms in Ethiopia

Additive yield response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to rhizobium inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer across smallholder farms in Ethiopia

机译:埃塞俄比亚小农场鸡豆(Cicer Arietinum L.)对肠道菌和磷肥的添加剂响应

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The impacts of rhizobium inoculation on growth and yield of chickpea have mainly been tested in experiments conducted in greenhouses or on research stations. We report the response of the crop to inoculation (I) and phosphorus fertilizer (P) application across a large number of smallholder's farms over four regions of Ethiopia, covering diverse soil fertility and agro-ecological conditions. Increased grain yields due to the soil fertility treatments was evident for 99% target farmers. On average, I and P increased grain yield by 21% and 25% respectively, while the combined application of I and P resulted in a 38% increase. However, observed grain yields on control plots and responses to the treatments on individual farms varied greatly, and relative yield responses (%; yield of P and/I minus control yield, divided by control yield) ranged from 3% to 138%. With the exception of a few extremely poorly yielding locations, average responses to P and I were high across a wide range of control yields, indicating the possibility of boosting chickpea productivity for smallholders with P fertilizer and inoculant technology. Variation in response to rhizobium inoculation was mostly independent of agro-ecology and soil type although it was found to be low on a number of farms with extremely high N contents (%). Assuming that a relative yield increase of 10% due to treatment effects is required to be visible, 71%, 73% and 92% of the farmers observed a yield benefit by applying P, I, and P + I, respectively. The results are discussed with respect to the additive benefits of P fertilizers and rhizobial inoculation and their implications for wide scale promotion of inoculant technology to smallholders.
机译:根瘤菌接种对鹰嘴豆生长和产量的影响主要在温室或研究站进行的实验中进行了测试。我们报告了作物对接种(i)和磷肥(P)在埃塞俄比亚四个地区的大量农场接种(i)和磷肥(P)的答复,涵盖不同的土壤肥力和农业生态条件。对于99%的目标农民而言,由于土壤肥力治疗导致的谷物产量增加。平均而言,I和P分别增加了粮食产量分别为21%和25%,而I和P的合并施用导致38%增加。然而,观察到对照地块的谷物产量和对各个农场治疗的反应变化大大变化,相对收率应答(%; P和/ I减去对照产率的产率,除以对照产率)的范围为3%至138%。除了一些极度不良的位置,对P和I的平均反应越大,横跨各种对照产量为高,表明使用P肥料和植物技术促进小鸡生产率的可能性。响应rhzobium接种的变异大多数与农业生态和土壤类型无关,尽管发现含有极高的N含量(%)的农场较低。假设需要可见由于治疗效果引起的10%的相对产量增加,71%,73%和92%的农民通过施用P,I和P + I,分别观察到产量益处。结果讨论了P肥料和根瘤菌接种的添加剂益处及其对小型促进植物技术对小农的影响。



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