首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Water Management >Disentangling the impacts of climate change, land use change and irrigation on the Central Rift Valley water system of Ethiopia.

Disentangling the impacts of climate change, land use change and irrigation on the Central Rift Valley water system of Ethiopia.


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The Central Rift Valley (CRV) of Ethiopia is a closed basin where claims on land and water have strongly increased over the past decade resulting in over-exploitation of the resources: a clear symptom is the declining trend in the water level of the terminal Lake Abyata. In this paper, we quantify the plausible recent impacts of climate change, land use change and irrigation water abstraction on water availability of Lake Abyata. We examined trends in lake levels, river discharges, basin rainfall, temperature and irrigation development (ca. 1975-2008), and computed the additional evapotranspiration loss resulting from temperature change and irrigated land. We also analysed land use change (1990-2007) and estimated the subsequent change in surface runoff. Temperature has increased linearly over 34 years (p<0.001) whereas rainfall has not changed significantly. Consequently, increased evapotranspiration consumed 62 and 145 Mm3 of additional water from lakes and land surface, respectively, during 1990-2007. Furthermore, an estimated 285 Mm3 yr-1 of water was abstracted for irrigation in 2009 of which approximately 170 Mm3 yr-1 is irrecoverable evapotranspiration loss. In addition, surface runoff has increased in the upper, and decreased in lower sub-basins of the CRV associated with extensive land use change (1990-2007). However, insight in the impact of the net increase in runoff of 260 Mm3 yr-1 on the water availability for Lake Abyata remains partial because of data and methodological limitations. We conclude that the potential for agricultural intensification and its hydrological implications should be considered jointly to prevent further deteriorating Lake Abyata.
机译:埃塞俄比亚中部裂谷(CRV)是一个封闭的盆地,过去十年来土地和水的需求量急剧增加,导致资源过度开发:明显的症状是终端湖水位下降的趋势Abyata。在本文中,我们量化了近期气候变化,土地利用变化和灌溉用水抽取对Abyata湖水资源可用性的合理影响。我们研究了湖泊水位,河流流量,流域降雨,温度和灌溉发展的趋势(大约1975-2008年),并计算了温度变化和灌溉土地造成的额外蒸散损失。我们还分析了土地利用变化(1990-2007年),并估算了地表径流的后续变化。在过去的34年中,温度呈线性增长(p <0.001),而降雨量没有明显变化。因此,在1990-2007年期间,蒸散量的增加分别从湖泊和陆地表面消耗了62和145 Mm 3 的额外水。此外,2009年提取了约285 Mm 3 yr -1 的水用于灌溉,其中约170 Mm 3 yr - 1 是不可恢复的蒸散量。此外,与广泛的土地利用变化相关的CRV的地表径流在上部流域增加了,而在下部流域却减少了(1990-2007年)。但是,由于数据和方法的局限性,对260 Mm 3 yr -1 径流净增加的影响对Abyata湖水可利用量的影响的见解仍然是部分的。我们得出的结论是,应共同考虑农业集约化的潜力及其对水文的影响,以防止Abyata湖进一步恶化。



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