首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Coordinate regulation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein dynamics by steroid hormones in the human fallopian tube and endometrium in vivo and in vitro

Coordinate regulation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein dynamics by steroid hormones in the human fallopian tube and endometrium in vivo and in vitro


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Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs), which are chroma-tin-associated RNA-binding proteins, participate in mRNA stability, transport, intracellular localization, and translation by acting as transacting factors. Several studies have shown that steroid hormones can regulate hnRNP expression. However, to date, the regulation of hnRNPs and their interactions with steroid hormone signaling in fallopian tubes and endometrium are not fully elucidated. In the present study, we determined whether hnRNP expression is regulated during the menstrual cycle and correlates with estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) levels in human fallopian tubes in vivo. Because of the limited availability of human tubal tissues for the research, we also explored the mechanisms of hnRNP regulation in human endometrium in vitro. Fallopian tissue was obtained from patients in the early, late, and postovulatory phases and the midsecre-tory phase and endometrial tissue from premenopausal and postmeno-pausal women undergoing hysterectomy. We measured expression of hnRNPs and assessed their intracellular localization and interactions with ERs and PRs. We also determined the effects of human chorionic gonadotropin, 17β-estradiol (E_2), and progesterone (P4) on hnRNP expression. In fallopian tubes, mRNA and protein levels of hnRNP Al, AB, D, G, H, and U changed dynamically during ovulation and in the midsecretory phase. In coimmunolocation and coimmunoprecipi-lation experiments, hnRNPs interacted with each other and with ERs and PRs in fallopian tubes. After treatment with E_2 and/or P_4 to activate ERs and PRs, hnRNP Al, AB, D, G, and U proteins displayed overlapping but distinct patterns of regulation in the endometrium in vitro. Our findings expand the physiological repertoire of hnRNPs in human fallopian tubes and endometrium and suggest that steroid hormones regulate different hnRNPs directly by interacting with ERs and/or PRs or indirectly by binding other hnRNPs. Both actions may contribute to regulation of gene transcription.
机译:异质核核糖核糖蛋白(HNRNP),其是色度型型型RNA结合蛋白,通过作为交易因子参与mRNA稳定性,运输,细胞内定位和翻译。几项研究表明,类固醇激素可以调节HNRNP表达。然而,迄今为止,没有完全阐明HNRNP的调节及其与类固醇激素信号传导的与类固醇激素信号相互作用。在本研究中,我们确定在月经周期期间HNRNP表达是否受到调节,并与体内人类输卵管中的雌激素受体(ER)和孕酮受体(PR)水平相关。由于对研究的人体管组织的可用性有限,我们还探讨了在体外人体子宫内膜中的HNRNP调节机制。来自早期,晚期和后期阶段的患者和来自前辈和蛋白酶患者的患者和子宫内膜组织获得的输卵管组织和接受子宫切除术的患者。我们测量了HNRNPS的表达,并评估了它们的细胞内定位和与ERS和PR的相互作用。我们还确定了人绒毛膜促性腺激素,17β-雌二醇(E_2)和孕酮(P4)对HNRNP表达的影响。在输卵管,MRNA和蛋白质水平的HNRNP Al,AB,D,G,H和U动态地在排卵期间和中间阶段进行改变。在CoimMunolocation和CoimMunoprocipi-Lative实验中,HNRNPS彼此相互作用,并在输卵管中互相相互作用。用E_2和/或P_4处理后,激活ERS和PRS,HNRNP A1,AB,D,G和U蛋白显示在体外子宫内膜中的重叠但是不同的调节模式。我们的研究结果扩展了人类输卵管和子宫内膜中的HNRNP的生理学曲目,并表明类固醇激素直接调节不同的HNRNPS,或者通过结合其他HNRNPS间接地间接地调节不同的HNRNP。这两种动作可能有助于调节基因转录。



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