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Anomalous weather events in central Himalaya: real-world observations and some questions


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The central sector of the Himalayan province is witnessing inordinately frequent incidences of extreme weather, unending cycles of prolonged droughts and very short spells of excessive rainfall over geographically limited areas, absence of 'April Showers' before the onset of summer monsoon, and delayed arrival of the Indian summer monsoon. Are these happenings related to merely the rise in atmospheric and surface temperatures due to global warming, or are they caused by the excess presence of biogenic carbon generated by rampant burning of agricultural residues and wastes, and uncontrolled forest fires? One would also like to know whether the western disturbances and/or the mid-latitude interactions have a role in these distressing developments. The simplistic answer that all these anomalous happenings are 'the combined effect of global warming enhanced by anthropogenic influences' is hardly convincing to the laymen who solicit answers to these questions from experts - in a language free from technical jargon.
机译:喜马拉雅省的中央部门在地理上有限的地区目睹了极端天气的极端天气,无休止周期,长期降雨量的短暂的咒语,在夏季季风发作前没有“四月淋浴”,并延迟到达印度夏季季风。这些事件是否仅仅是由于全球变暖引起的大气和表面温度的升高,或者它们是由猖獗的农业残留物和废物燃烧产生的生物碳的过量存在,以及不受控制的森林火灾引起的?人们还想知道西方的干扰和/或中际相互作用是否在这些令人痛苦的发展中发挥作用。所有这些异常事件都是“通过人为影响的全球变暖的综合效应”的简单答案几乎不符合征求专家求解这些问题的行长 - 以一种没有技术术语的语言。



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