首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Systems >Modeling the effect of Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) and weeds in winter wheat as guide to management.

Modeling the effect of Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) and weeds in winter wheat as guide to management.

机译:模拟俄罗斯小麦蚜虫,Diuraphis noxia(Mordvilko)和杂草对冬小麦的影响,作为管理的指南。

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Infocrop, a generic crop growth model, was used to simulate the effect of Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) damage on winter wheat at Fort Collins and Akron, Colorado state, USA. Observed and simulated yield reductions in four experiments over a period of two years were found to be closely related (R2=0.85). The aphid damage mechanisms coupled to the crop growth model could thus be validated through field experimental data. Economic injury levels for Russian wheat aphids determined with the validated model revealed that winter wheat was more prone to aphid attack during early growth stages than during late tillering and heading. Economic injury level changed among years and were directly related to cost of control but inversely related to market value of winter wheat. Infocrop and GPFARM were used to simulate effect of downy brome weed (Bromus tectorum) at Hays, Kansas state, USA and Cheyenne, Wyoming state, USA and jointed goat grass (Aegilops cylindrica) at Archer, Wyoming, USA on winter wheat. Both models simulated the effect of downy brome on winter wheat well. The average observed and simulated yield reductions with Infocrop over a period of three years were closely related (R2=0.941). The effect of jointed goat grass on winter wheat was simulated appropriately by GPFARM but not by Infocrop for want of required data on relative weed cover. Validated simulation models can be used for various applications such as for establishing economic thresholds and devising iso-loss curves for the pests. Simulation models have a great potential as guides for optimal pesticide use..
机译:Infocrop是一种通用的农作物生长模型,用于模拟美国小麦蚜虫(Diuraphis noxia)损害对美国科罗拉多州柯林斯堡和阿克伦城冬小麦的影响。发现在两年中的四个实验中观察到的和模拟的产量下降是密切相关的(R2 = 0.85)。因此,可以通过田间试验数据验证与作物生长模型耦合的蚜虫损害机理。通过验证模型确定的俄罗斯小麦蚜虫的经济伤害水平表明,冬小麦在生育早期比分till和抽穗后期更容易发生蚜虫侵袭。经济损害水平随年份变化,与控制成本直接相关,但与冬小麦市场价值成反比。 Infocrop和GPFARM用于模拟美国堪萨斯州海斯市和美国怀俄明州夏延的霜霉病杂草(Bromus tectorum)以及美国怀俄明州阿切尔的节理山羊草(Aegilops cylindrica)对冬小麦的影响。两种模型都模拟了霜霉病对冬小麦的影响。 Infocrop在三年中观察到的平均产量降低和模拟产量降低密切相关(R2 = 0.941)。由于缺少所需的相对杂草覆盖率数据,GPFARM适当模拟了节理的山羊草对冬小麦的影响,但Infocrop并未适当模拟。经过验证的仿真模型可用于各种应用,例如用于建立经济阈值和设计有害生物的等损线。模拟模型具有作为最佳农药使用指南的巨大潜力。



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