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Hingson's peace gun.


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Familiar with jet-injection injuries from his military background, Anesthesiologist Robert A. Hingson, M.D. (1913-1996) published about needle-free injection as early as 1947. By the following year, Hingson had penned papers about his "Hypospray" device, nearly 20 years before Hyposprays were featured on television's Star Trek and then in more than a dozen unrelated science fiction movies. Surprisingly, this handheld version of a Hingson "Peace Gun" pictured above-with its luger-like metal silhouette and sharp bottle piercer-went unchallenged through airport security x-ray machines as it was curatorially hand-carried to the gallery of the Wood library-Museum. Facilitated by patent innovations in the 1960s by Aaron Ismach and others, Hingson and bis Cleveland and Pittsburgh colleagues popularized jet injection technologies which have immunized more than a billion people and eradicated smallpox worldwide. (Copyright ~C the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. This image appears in color in the Anesthesiology Reflections online collection available at www.anesthesiology.org.)
机译:麻醉学家罗伯特·辛格森(Robert A. Hingson,MD)(1913-1996)熟悉军事背景的喷射注射伤害,早在1947年就发表了有关无针注射的文章。到了第二年,辛格森写了关于其“ Hypospray”装置的论文, Hyposprays在电视《星际迷航》(Star Trek)和十多部无关的科幻电影中出现之前,已有近20年的历史。令人惊讶的是,此手持式版本的Hingson“和平枪”如上图所示,它像雪橇一样的金属轮廓和锋利的瓶身穿孔器经过机场安全X射线机的检查并没有受到挑战,因为它是由策展人手工搬运到伍德图书馆的画廊-博物馆。在1960年代Aaron Ismach等人的专利创新的推动下,Hingson和bis Cleveland和Pittsburgh的同事普及了喷射注射技术,这些技术已经使全球超过10亿人免疫并消灭了天花。 (版权归美国麻醉师学会协会所有。该图像以彩色显示在www.anesthesiology.org上的《麻醉学反射》在线收藏中。)



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