首页> 外文期刊>Anesthesiology >Goals neither validated nor met in goal-directed colloid versus crystalloid therapy.

Goals neither validated nor met in goal-directed colloid versus crystalloid therapy.


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Kimberger et al. and the editors are to be commended for attempting to shed light on an important topic: "What is the optimal intraoperative fluid and resuscitation target? Many experienced physicians, including us, who provide anesthesia for major intraabdominal surgery have evolved over time from crystalloid-only, "show me the proof" physicians to those being in philosophical agreement with both the author and the editorial writers-goal-directed therapy with colloid is best in intestinal cases. We believe this produces less gut edema without compromising gut or other critical organ perfusion (not to mention reducing the anesthesiologist's aural discomfort from the oft repeated surgeon lament that the anesthesia team is "drowning" the patient). Indeed, Victor Hugo once said, "All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come."
机译:Kimberger等。并因试图阐明一个重要主题而受到编辑的赞扬:“最佳的术中输液和复苏目标是什么?许多经验丰富的医生,包括我们在内,为大型腹腔内手术提供麻醉已随着时间的流逝而从单纯的晶体中发展出来。 ,“向我展示证据”的医师对与作者和社论作者均具有哲学认可的医师而言,以胶体为目标的目标疗法在肠道病例中是最佳的。我们认为,这种疗法可减少肠道水肿而不会损害肠道或其他重要器官的灌注。 (更不用说减少麻醉师的声音不适,这是因为反复的外科医生感叹麻醉队正在“淹没”患者。)实际上,维克多·雨果曾经说过:“世界上所有的力量都不像一个想法那么强大。来了。”



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