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EXOTIC INVADERS: The global economy is helping invasive pests to become world travelers


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Biltonen farms 600 acres of fruit in western New York, an hour west of Syracuse. Half of the acreage is devoted to apples, and on the other half they grow about 15 different crops, mostly stone fruits and berries. Along with the entomologists, Biltonen pins the blame on the increase in invasive pests on globalization. But he also wonders whether a changing climate — whatever the reason for it — is to blame. "They (invasive pests) couldn't overwinter here in the past," he says. "But we didn't have much snow last winter (2011-12) at all." Biltonen didn't pay much attention to spotted wing dro-sophila (SWD) when he first heard about it in 2010, largely because there was no record of it in Western New York. In 2011, researchers at Cornell University,which is located virtually right across the street from Red Jacket, put out some vinegar traps and caught a few SWD. The researchers caught a lot more in 2012, and then late that summer SWD "just blew up," he said. "They destroyed our fall raspberry crop." They won't even try to grow a fall raspberry crop this year, he says.
机译:Biltonen在锡拉丘兹以西一个小时的纽约州西部种植600英亩的水果。一半的土地专用于苹果,另一半则种植约15种不同的农作物,主要是核果和浆果。与昆虫学家一道,Biltonen将罪魁祸首归咎于全球化带来的入侵性有害生物的增加。但是他也想知道,气候变化-无论是什么原因-都应归咎于气候变化。他说:“它们(有害生物)过去无法在这里过冬。” “但是去年冬天(2011-12年)根本没有大雪。” Biltonen在2010年首次听说斑点翼果蝇(SWD)时并没有特别注意,这在很大程度上是因为在纽约西部没有记录。 2011年,实际上位于红夹克街对面的康奈尔大学的研究人员推出了一些醋槽,并抓了一些社署。他说,研究人员在2012年发现了更多东西,然后那个夏末社署“炸毁了”。 “他们摧毁了我们的秋天覆盆子作物。”他说,他们今年甚至不会尝试种植秋季覆盆子作物。



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