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Stone Fruit: The Joy In Serving 'Georgian' Peach Farmers


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IN 1961, with the support of President John R. Kennedy, the U.S. Congress declared that "a principal objective of the foreign policy of the United States is the encouragement and sustained support of the people of developing countries in their effortsto acquire the knowledge and resources essential to development and to build the economic, political, and social institutions which will improve the quality of their lives" (Foreign Assistance Act). The resulting creation of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) more than 50 years ago has led to current efforts in more than 100 countries with the purpose of "furthering America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while also extending a helping hand to people struggling to make a better life, recovering from a disaster, or striving to live in a free and democratic country. It is this caring that stands as a hallmark of the United States around the world."
机译:1961年,在约翰·肯尼迪(John R. Kennedy)总统的支持下,美国国会宣布:“美国外交政策的主要目标是鼓励和持续支持发展中国家人民努力获取知识和资源。对于发展和建立将改善其生活质量的经济,政治和社会机构至关重要”(《外国援助法》)。五十多年前美国国际开发署(USAID)的成立导致了目前在100多个国家/地区开展的工作,目的是“在扩大民主和自由市场的同时,进一步促进美国的外交政策利益,同时也伸出援助之手对于那些努力使自己的生活更加美好,从灾难中恢复过来或努力生活在一个自由民主的国家的人们来说,正是这种关怀成为了美国在世界各地的标志。”



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