首页> 外文期刊>Электричество >An analysis of conditions for forming a constant output power in a rectifier-inductor electric drive

An analysis of conditions for forming a constant output power in a rectifier-inductor electric drive

机译:一种用于在 整流器 - 电感器 电驱动 形成 一个 恒定的输出功率 的 条件下 的分析

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On the basis of a simplified model of a rectifier-inductor electric drive analytical conditions of ensuring the constancy of its output power are obtained. The results of modelling the drive operation under the conditions of the constancy of its output power are presented on the basis of which the boundaries of the possibility of its realization are defined, the variation of the drive basic characteristics is considered taking into account the state of the motor magnetic system and the algorithm for its realization are found.
机译:基于确保其输出功率的恒定的整流电感器电驱动分析条件的简化模型。 在其输出功率的恒定条件下建模驱动操作的结果是基于其确定其实现的可能性的边界,考虑到了驱动基本特征的变化。考虑到状态 找到电机磁系统和实现其实现的算法。



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