首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ヒュ-マン情報処理. Human Information Processing >Synthesis of sign animation with facial expression and its effects on understanding of sign language

Synthesis of sign animation with facial expression and its effects on understanding of sign language


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Japanese Sign Language (JSL) is spoken with head movements, eye movements, postures, facial expressions as well as hand gesture. The purpose of the present paper is to examine the effects of facial expression on understanding JSL sentences represented by animation. Rules for facial expression in sign animation synthesis were based on analysis of a JSL interpreter's non-manual gesture. Sign animation without facial expression and one with it were used for the experiment. The results show that there was a significant difference in the recognition rate between two animation. This fact means that facial expression helped the subjects understand the JSL words and sentences.
机译:日语手语(JSL)用头部运动,眼睛运动,姿势,面部表情以及手势讲话。 本文的目的是研究面部表情对理解动画代表的JSL句子的影响。 体育综合的面部表情规则是基于JSL解释器的非手动手势的分析。 签署动画,没有面部表情,一个与它用于实验。 结果表明,两个动画之间的识别率有显着差异。 这一事实意味着面部表情有助于主题了解JSL单词和句子。



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