
The ALS Patient Care Database: Insights into End-of-Life Care in ALS


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Objective: To study clinical practices and patient outcomes near the end of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Background: Patients, families, and healthcare providers face several dilemmas in selecting and delivering care near the end of life in ALS. Published data on clinical practices and their benefits during end-of-life care for ALS patients consist of anecdotal reports based on small case series or individual case reports. Methods: Data were obtained from 1014 American and Canadian patients with ALS who died while participating in a large observational registry (the ALS Patient Care Database) during the past four years. Following death, a caregiver or family member provided data for each patient using a standard questionnaire. Data were principally generated through American and Canadian ALS multidisciplinary centers of excellence. Results: Most patients died peacefully (90.7%) and 62.4% died in a hospicesupported environment. Advance directives were in place for 88.9% of patients and were followed in 96.8%. Among the 67 patients who exhibited distress in the dying process, symptoms included breathing difficulties (82.1%), fear/anxiety (55.2%), pain (24.9%), insomnia (14.9%), and choking (14.93%). Oxygen was given to 52.6% of patients, and pain medications were given to 74%. Conclusion: These data suggest that palliative care at the end of life was relatively well managed for most patients with ALS who participated in this study; neverthelessseveral opportunities for improvement were identified.
机译:目的:研究肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)临终时的临床实践和患者预后。背景:患者,家庭和医疗保健提供者在生命周期快要结束时选择和提供护理时面临着两个难题。有关ALS患者临终护理的临床实践及其益处的已公开数据包括基于小病例系列或个别病例报告的轶事报告。方法:数据来自于1014名美国和加拿大的ALS患者,这些患者在过去四年中因参加大型观察性登记(ALS患者护理数据库)而死亡。死亡后,护理人员或家庭成员使用标准调查表为每位患者提供数据。数据主要通过美国和加拿大的ALS多学科卓越中心生成。结果:大多数患者在临终关怀支持的环境中和平死亡(90.7%),62.4%死亡。预先指示适用于88.9%的患者,其次为96.8%。在临终过程中表现出困扰的67位患者中,症状包括呼吸困难(82.1%),恐惧/焦虑(55.2%),疼痛(24.9%),失眠(14.9%)和cho咽(14.93%)。 52.6%的患者服用了氧气,74%的患者服用了止痛药。结论:这些数据表明,参加本研究的大多数ALS患者在生命终了时的姑息治疗相对较好。但是,已经确定了几个改进的机会。



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