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Eliciting preferences for key attributes of intrapartum care in the Netherlands


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Background: As part of the move toward "patient-centered care," women's preferences with regard to maternity services have become increasingly important to policy makers. To realize optimal patient-centered care, knowledge of patients' preferences is essential. The aim of our study was to assess the strength and relative importance of women's preferences for different aspects of intrapartum care in The Netherlands, where women have easy access to both home and hospital birth. Methods: A discrete choice experiment was conducted at 16 weeks of gestation as part of a Dutch multicenter, prospective cohort study from 2007 to 2011 of low-risk, nulliparous women. Responses were analyzed per intended place of birth group: midwifery-led home (n = 191) and hospital birth (n = 152) and obstetric-led hospital birth (n = 188). Results: We analyzed 562 questionnaires. Women in all groups preferred the possibility of influencing decision making and pain-relief treatment during birth and no co-payment for childbirth. Women with an intended home birth preferred a home-like birth setting with the assistance of a midwife and transport during birth in case of complications. Type of birth setting and transport during birth were not considered important to women with an intended midwifery- or obstetric-led hospital birth. Conclusion: Policies aimed at the improvement of maternity care must take into account women's preferences for the possibility of pain-relief treatment and the fact that all women desire a high level of involvement in decision making. Furthermore, efforts to change maternity care systems must consider how to counter the culturally embedded nature of women's preferences.
机译:背景:作为向“以患者为中心的护理”迈进的一部分,妇女在生育服务方面的偏爱对决策者而言变得越来越重要。为了实现最佳的以患者为中心的护理,必须了解患者的喜好。我们研究的目的是评估荷兰妇女对分娩期护理不同方面的偏爱的强度和相对重要性,在荷兰,妇女很容易获得家庭和住院分娩的机会。方法:作为一项荷兰多中心前瞻性队列研究的一部分,该研究于妊娠16周时进行,该研究于2007年至2011年进行,涉及低风险,未产妇。对预期出生地点组的反应进行了分析:助产士领导的家庭(n = 191)和医院出生(n = 152)以及产科领导的医院出生(n = 188)。结果:我们分析了562份问卷。所有组中的妇女都希望在出生时影响决策和缓解疼痛的可能性,并且无需分担生育费用。打算进行家庭分娩的妇女在助产士的协助下选择家庭般的分娩环境,并在分娩时进行分娩,以防发生并发症。对于打算由助产士或产科领导的医院分娩的妇女,分娩类型和分娩时的运输方式不重要。结论:旨在改善孕产妇保健的政策必须考虑到妇女对缓解疼痛治疗的偏爱,以及所有妇女都希望高层参与决策的事实。此外,改变产妇保健制度的努力必须考虑如何应对妇女喜好的文化底蕴。



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