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Flexibility, market adaptation allow recycler to thrive


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With its wide reach and full menu of obsolete, prompt industrial, high-quality shredded and plate and structural ferrous scrap, Sims Metal Management LLC is well positioned to keep servicing U.S. steel mills and the export market in a timely, safe and eco-friendly way, much as it has done since the company was created through the merger of Sims Group Ltd. and Metal Management Inc. in 2008 "Almost all of our shredding operations around the United States are located either on blue water (deep-sea ports), brown water (the river system), are on rail spurs or are adjacent to major highway routes," said Bob Kelman, president of the New York-based company's North American metals unit. Because of that, Sims Metal Management is "uniquely positioned" to be flexible and adapt to the changes in market demand that are common in the ferrous scrap industry, he said.
机译:Sims Metal Management LLC拥有广泛的范围,提供过时的,及时的工业,高质量的切碎的以及板块和结构性的黑色金属废料的完整菜单,可以随时为美国钢铁厂和出口市场提供服务,以确保其安全,环保。方式与自2008年通过Sims Group Ltd.和Metal Management Inc.合并创建该公司以来所做的工作一样:“我们在美国各地的几乎所有切碎业务都位于湛蓝的海水(深海港口) “棕色水(河流系统)是在铁路支线上或与主要公路相邻,”这家位于纽约的公司北美金属部门总裁鲍勃·凯尔曼说。因此,Sims Metal Management处于“独特的位置”,可以灵活地适应在废铁行业中常见的市场需求变化。



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