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Valesul: a niche producer focused on the domestic market


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Last July, Companhia Vale do Rio Docc (CVRD) purchased 45.5 percent of Valesul, an aluminium smelter located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, for a consideration of 27.5 Million US dollars. Based on Valesul's shareholders agreement, CVRD exercised its right of first refusal and bought the stake of its partner, BHP Billiton; as a result, CVRD owns now 100 percent of Valesul. For that reason, it is seems to be an appropriate opportunity to examine Valesul's strategic positioning. Valesul started its operations in 1982 with a 86kt/y nominal capacity. In the beginning, it experienced troubles in -terms of imported alumina supply and unsatisfactory market conditions (the company was started at a time of depressed prices). These problems have now been totally overcome and the company's present performance is positive. In 1Q 2006, Valesul had net revenues of 58 million dollars and EBITDA of 8 million dollars; its gross debt as of March 2006 was equivalent to zero. BHP Billiton's decision to sell its stake in Valesul seems to have been related more to strategic issues rather than financial concerns.
机译:去年7月,Companhia Vale do Rio Docc(CVRD)购买了位于里约热内卢州的铝冶炼厂Valesul的45.5%。巴西,作价2750万美元。根据Valesul的股东协议,CVRD行使了优先购买权,并购买了其合作伙伴必和必拓的股份;结果,CVRD现在拥有Valesul的100%的股份。因此,似乎是检查Valesul的战略地位的适当机会。 Valesul于1982年开始运营,年产能为86kt。最初,它在进口氧化铝供应方面遇到了麻烦,市场条件也不令人满意(该公司是在价格低迷之时成立的)。这些问题现已完全克服,该公司目前的表现是积极的。 Valesul在2006年第一季度的净收入为5800万美元,EBITDA为800万美元。截至2006年3月,其总债务为零。必和必拓(BHP Billiton)出售其在Valesul股份的决定似乎更多地与战略问题有关,而不是与财务问题有关。



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