首页> 外文期刊>American journal of orthopsychiatry >Accomplishments of 77 VA Mental Health Professionals With a Lived Experience of Mental Illness

Accomplishments of 77 VA Mental Health Professionals With a Lived Experience of Mental Illness


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Anecdotal reports and first-person accounts by psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and nurses with lived experience of mental illness ("prosumers") indicate that they can be effective in these roles, but little is known about the extent, nature, or contributions of this group. Competently functioning prosumers are in a unique position to increase hope for recovery and reduce stigma and discrimination across the mental health field, to the ultimate benefit of consumers. The study surveyed a convenience sample of 77 prosumers working for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). We present descriptive productivity metrics such as publications, presentations, funding, initiating and leading programs, training and supervising other clinicians, and performing community work outside VHA. Very few have asked for accommodations at work. Two thirds have not disclosed their lived experience to any of their patients. On average, respondents have disclosed to only 16% of their colleagues, and about one third have not disclosed to any of their colleagues. Qualitative data show that participants see their lived experience as an asset, whether or not they disclose it. They advocate being conscientious about self-care to remain work-ready. Although the group sees many advantages to being open about their lived experience, and many are proud to stand up and be counted, others cite reasons to be cautious about disclosure. It is hoped that this survey will provide inspiration and encouragement to mental health workers with lived experience and that it will help foster a welcoming and inclusive work environment for this capable group of colleagues.



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