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Now everybody wants one: a production company's competitive edge quickly becomes its next hot ticket item


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The Nagel machine has also eliminated the need for big wash tanks and wash systems because it dry machines. "The parts go straight from machining to polishing," says Cappellini. Besides reducing changeover times and eliminating wash Systems, Cappellini reports that the service has been exceptional. "We have had some minor glitches, and Marc Poehner, director of operations at Nagel USA, has personally responded to every one of our needs within 24 hours." Pat White, president of Nagel USA, concludes that the caliber of her staff is of upmost importance. "Our foundation rests upon the quality of our associates, who, with their experience and skills, offer excellent service and support."
机译:Nagel机器还干燥了机器,因此也不再需要大型洗涤槽和洗涤系统。卡佩利尼说:“零件从机加工到抛光都是直接的。” Cappellini报告说,除了减少转换时间并取消洗涤系统外,该服务还非常出色。 “我们有些小毛病,Nagel USA的运营总监Marc Poehner亲自在24小时内响应了我们的每一项需求。” Nagel美国总裁Pat White总结说,员工的才干至关重要。 “我们的基础取决于我们员工的素质,他们凭借他们的经验和技能为您提供优质的服务和支持。”



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