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Association leaders prepare to fight censorious Internet legislation


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"I didn't think there would be anything worse than the Communications Decency Act; I was wrong," Freedom to Read Foundation President Candace Morgan told the ALA Executive Board at the Association's Midwinter Meeting in Washington, D.C., as the board prepared to initiate legal action to challenge the constitutionality of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), passed December 21 by Congress (AL, Feb., p. 14). Morgan, along with Office for Intellectual Freedom Director Judith Krug and attorney Theresa Chmara of Jenner and Block, advised that the challenge would cost the Association at least as much as the successful suit challenging the CDA, which the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional four years ago (AL, Aug. 1997, p. 11-12). The case cost
机译:阅读自由基金会主席坎迪斯·摩根(Candace Morgan)在华盛顿特区的协会仲冬会议上对ALA执行委员会说:“我认为没有什么比《通信道德法》更糟糕了;我错了。”反对国会通过的《儿童互联网保护法》(CIPA)合宪性的法律诉讼(AL,2月,第14页)。摩根(Morgan)以及知识自由办公室主任朱迪思·克鲁格(Judith Krug)和詹纳·布洛克(Jenner and Block)的律师特蕾莎·切玛拉(Theresa Chmara)表示,这项挑战将使协会付出的代价至少等于挑战CDA的成功诉讼,最高法院四年前曾裁定CDA为违宪( AL,1997年8月,第11-12页)。案件费用



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