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Effects of planting date and water deficit on quantitative and qualitative traits of flax seed.


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When there is a shortage for available water, low irrigation stress is one method to maintain productivity. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the effect of planting date and irrigation stress on two spring varieties of flaxseed. The experiment was conducted as strip split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications during spring 2008 in University of Tehran College of Abouraihan, Iran. The highest plant height (60.3 cm), primary branch numbers per plant (4.46), capsule numbers per plant (65.9), seed numbers per capsule (5.78), seed yield (1763 kg/ha), biological yield (5935 kg/ha), harvest index (29.9), oil percentage (41), oil yield (718 kg/ha), protein yield (361 kg/ha), linolenic percentage (48.4) and linoleic percentage (18.36) were obtained in first sowing date and under full irrigation whereas, by later sowing dates and limited irrigation stress especially at flowering and grain filling stages, this characters were reduced. The most oil yield (454 kg/ha) and linoleic (18.81) acid percentage were obtained from serenade variety, whereas Lirina variety had the highest oil percentage (42.25), linolenic (47.9) and oleic (24.1) acids percentage. In this study, sowing date was a very important management tool in minimizing the negative impact of high temperature and moisture stress during the critical flowering and seed filling periods.
机译:当可用水短缺时,低灌溉压力是保持生产力的一种方法。因此,进行了一项研究以确定播种期和灌溉压力对两个春季亚麻籽品种的影响。实验是在2008年春季于伊朗阿布哈伊汗德黑兰大学进行的基于随机完整区组设计的带状分割图上进行的,并进行了三次重复。最高株高(60.3厘米),单株初生枝数(4.46),单株荚膜数(65.9),每荚膜种子数(5.78),种子产量(1763 kg / ha),生物产量(5935 kg / ha ),在初次播种时获得了收获指数(29.9),含油率(41),含油量(718 kg / ha),蛋白产量(361 kg / ha),亚麻酸百分比(48.4)和亚油酸百分比(18.36)。在充分灌溉的情况下,由于后期播种和有限的灌溉压力(尤其是在开花和籽粒灌浆阶段),该特性降低了。从小夜曲品种获得最大的油产量(454 kg / ha)和亚油酸(18.81)酸百分比,而Lirina品种具有最高的油百分比(42.25),亚麻酸(47.9)和油酸(24.1)酸百分比。在这项研究中,播种日期是一个非常重要的管理工具,可以最大程度地减少关键开花期和种子灌浆期的高温和水分胁迫的负面影响。



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