首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Ophthalmology: The International Journal of Ophthalmology >Reproducibility of retinal thickness measurements on normal and pathologic eyes by different optical coherence tomography instruments.

Reproducibility of retinal thickness measurements on normal and pathologic eyes by different optical coherence tomography instruments.


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PURPOSE: To compare retinal thickness measurements produced by different time-domain and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (TD-OCT and SD-OCT) devices when imaging normal and pathologic eyes. DESIGN: Prospective, observational study in an academic institutional setting. METHODS: A total of 110 eyes were imaged by 6 different OCT devices: Stratus and Cirrus (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc), Spectralis HRA+OCT (Heidelberg Engineering), RTVue-100 (Optovue Inc), SDOCT Copernicus HR (Optopol Technology S.A.), and 3D OCT-1000 (Topcon Corporation). Eyes were normal or affected by different pathologies of the retina, including exudative and nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, epiretinal membrane, cystoid macular edema, and macular hole. For each instrument we used standard analysis protocols for macular thickness evaluation. Mean retinal thickness values between the instruments in the ETDRS central circular 1000-mum-diameter areas and in the ETDRS midperipheral circular 3000-mum-diameter areas were compared. RESULTS: The 6 different devices produced measurements that differ in variance (Bartlett test, P = .006), and mean values (Friedman test, P < .001). Bland-Altman analysis revealed that the limits of agreement for all the comparisons were not acceptable. Regression was calculated and it was elaborated into a conversion table, despite a high standard error for both intercepts and slope conversion values. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that retinal thickness measurements obtained with various OCT devices are different beyond clinical practice tolerance, according to Bland-Altman analysis. Furthermore, regression analysis reveals high standard error values. These differences appear to be primarily attributable to the analysis algorithms used to set retinal inner and outer boundaries.
机译:目的:比较在对正常和病理性眼睛成像时,不同时域和谱域光学相干断层扫描(TD-OCT和SD-OCT)设备产生的视网膜厚度测量结果。设计:在学术机构中进行的前瞻性观察研究。方法:通过6种不同的OCT设备对总共110只眼进行成像:Stratus和Cirrus(卡尔·蔡司Meditec公司),Spectralis HRA + OCT(海德堡工程公司),RTVue-100(Optovue公司),SDOCT Copernicus HR(Optopol Technology SA) ,以及3D OCT-1000(Topcon公司)。眼睛正常或受到视网膜不同病理的影响,包括与年龄相关的渗出性和非渗出性黄斑变性,视网膜前膜,黄斑囊样水肿和黄斑裂孔。对于每种仪器,我们使用标准分析协议进行黄斑厚度评估。比较了ETDRS中心圆形1000微米直径区域和ETDRS中心周围圆形3000微米直径区域中仪器之间的平均视网膜厚度值。结果:这6种不同的设备产生的测量值在方差​​(Bartlett检验,P = .006)和平均值(Friedman检验,P <.001)方面不同。布兰德·奥特曼(Bland-Altman)分析显示,所有比较的一致性限制都不可接受。尽管截距和斜率转换值的标准误都很高,但计算出了回归并将其精制到转换表中。结论:这项研究表明,根据Bland-Altman分析,使用各种OCT设备获得的视网膜厚度测量值超出了临床实践耐受性。此外,回归分析显示出较高的标准误差值。这些差异似乎主要归因于用于设置视网膜内部和外部边界的分析算法。



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