首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Veterinary Research >Effects of topical administration of latanoprost, timolol, or a combination of latanoprost and timolol on intraocular pressure, pupil size, and heart rate in clinically normal dogs

Effects of topical administration of latanoprost, timolol, or a combination of latanoprost and timolol on intraocular pressure, pupil size, and heart rate in clinically normal dogs


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Objective-To determine effects after topical administration of latanoprost, timolol, or a commercially available latanoprost-timolol combination twice daily on intraocular pressure (IOP), pupil size (PS), and heart rate (HR) in clinically normal dogs.Animals-17 clinically normal dogs.Procedures-A randomized controlled clinical trial was performed with a treatment (n = 9) and saline (0.9% NaCl) solution group (8). Each dog in the treatment group received 3 treatments (latanoprost, timolol, and the latanoprost-timolol combination), with a 14-day washout period between treatments. Baseline values were established on day 1 of each treatment period. On days 2 through 5, drugs were administered topically every 12 hours to 1 eye of each dog in the treatment group. In both groups, IOP, PS, and HR were measured at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 hours on days 2 and 5.Results-Eyes treated with latanoprost or the latanoprost-timolol combination had a significant decrease in IOP and a significantly smaller PS, compared with results for dogs receiving only timolol or dogs in the saline solution group. Timolol and the latanoprost-timolol combination both significantly lowered HR, compared with HR following administration of latanoprost and the saline solution.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Topical administration of latanoprost alone was as effective at lowering IOP as was administration of the latanoprost-timolol combination when both were given every 12 hours to clinically normal dogs. Timolol, either alone or in combination with latanoprost, appeared to have little or no effect on IOP in clinically normal dogs but was associated with a reduction in HR. (Am J Vet Res 2010;71:1055-1061)
机译:目的-确定临床上正常的狗每天两次局部施用拉坦前列素,噻吗洛尔或市售拉坦前列素-噻吗洛尔组合对眼内压(IOP),瞳孔大小(PS)和心率(HR)的影响。动物17程序-采用治疗(n = 9)和生理盐水(0.9%NaCl)溶液组(8)进行的随机对照临床试验。治疗组中的每只狗接受3种治疗(拉坦前列素,噻吗洛尔和拉坦前列素-噻吗洛尔联合用药),每次治疗之间有14天的清除期。在每个治疗期的第1天建立基线值。在第2至5天,每12小时对治疗组中每只狗的1只眼睛局部给药。两组均在第2天和第5天的0、2、4、6、8和9小时测量IOP,PS和HR。结果-用拉坦前列素或拉坦前列素-噻吗洛尔联合治疗的眼睛的IOP明显降低与仅接受噻吗洛尔的狗或盐溶液组中的狗的结果相比,PS明显更小。与服用拉坦前列素和盐溶液后的心率相比,季莫洛尔和拉坦前列素-噻吗洛尔的组合均显着降低了HR。均每12小时给临床上正常的狗一次。替莫洛尔,单独或与拉坦前列素联合使用,似乎对临床正常犬的眼压几乎没有或没有影响,但与HR降低有关。 (Am J Vet Res 2010; 71:1055-1061)



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