首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Validation of Family Cancer History Data in High-Risk Families: The Influence of Cancer Site, Ethnicity, Kinship Degree, and Multiple Family Reporters

Validation of Family Cancer History Data in High-Risk Families: The Influence of Cancer Site, Ethnicity, Kinship Degree, and Multiple Family Reporters


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Information on family cancer history (FCH) is often collected for first-degree relatives, but more extensive FCH information is critical for greater accuracy in risk assessment. Using self-reported diagnosis of cancer as the gold standard, we examined differences in the sensitivity and specificity of relative-reported FCH by cancer site, race/ethnicity, language preference, and kinship degree (1,524 individuals from 557 families; average number of relatives per family = 2.7). We evaluated the impact of FCH data collected in 2007-2013 from multiple relatives by comparing mean values and proportions for the number of relatives with any cancer, breast cancer, or ovarian cancer as reported by a single relative and by multiple relatives in the same family. The sensitivity of FCH was lower in Hispanics, Spanish-speaking persons, and third-degree relatives (e.g., for all cancers, sensitivities were 80.7%, 87.4%, and 91.0% for third-, second-, and first-degree relatives, respectively). FCH reported by multiple relatives included a higher number of relatives with cancer than the number reported by a single relative (e.g., mean increase of 1.2 relatives with any cancer), with more relatives diagnosed with any cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer in 52%, 36% and 12% of families, respectively. Collection of FCH data from multiple relatives may provide a more comprehensive picture of FCH and may potentially improve risk assessment and preventive care.
机译:通常会为一级亲属收集有关家族癌症史(FCH)的信息,但是更全面的FCH信息对于提高风险评估的准确性至关重要。我们以自我报告的癌症诊断为金标准,通过癌症部位,种族/民族,语言偏爱和亲属程度(557个家庭的1,524个人;亲属平均数)检查了相对报告的FCH的敏感性和特异性的差异。每个家庭= 2.7)。我们通过比较一个亲戚和同一个家族的多个亲戚报告的患有任何癌症,乳腺癌或卵巢癌的亲戚人数的平均值和比例来评估2007-2013年从多个亲戚那里收集的FCH数据的影响。 FCH在西班牙裔,讲西班牙语的人和三等亲中的敏感性较低(例如,对于所有癌症,三,二等和一等亲的敏感性分别为80.7%,87.4%和91.0%,分别)。由多个亲戚报告的FCH包括罹患癌症的亲戚数量高于单个亲戚报告的亲戚数量(例如,任何癌症的平均亲戚增加1.2),其中52个被诊断患有任何癌症,乳腺癌和卵巢癌的亲戚更多%,36%和12%的家庭。从多个亲戚那里收集FCH数据可以提供更全面的FCH信息,并可能改善风险评估和预防保健。



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