首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Associations of prepregnancy cardiovascular risk factors with the offspring's birth weight.

Associations of prepregnancy cardiovascular risk factors with the offspring's birth weight.


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Low birth weight of offspring has been associated with increased risk of maternal cardiovascular mortality, and cardiovascular risk factors measured within pregnancy have been related to offspring birth weight. It is not clear whether cardiovascular risk factors assessed prior to pregnancy are associated with the offspring's birth weight. The authors combined baseline data from 3,461 women in the HUNT Study (1995-1997) and data on deliveries from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway up to 2005. They used linear regression to prospectively study associations between diastolic and systolic blood pressures, concentrations of triglycerides, serum total cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein cholesterol measured before conception and birth weight for gestational age of the offspring. Blood pressure measured before pregnancy was inversely associated with birth weight for gestational age, whereas unfavorable levels of serum total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucosewere positively associated with birth weight for gestational age. Thus, women with relatively high blood pressure tend to deliver small babies, whereas women with unfavorable lipid levels tend to give birth to large babies, suggesting reduced glucose tolerance. These findings suggest that low as well as high birth weight of the offspring may indicate increased cardiovascular risk for the mother.
机译:后代的低出生体重与孕产妇心血管死亡的风险增加有关,并且在怀孕期间测得的心血管危险因素与后代的出生体重有关。目前尚不清楚怀孕前评估的心血管危险因素是否与后代的出生体重有关。作者将HUNT研究(1995-1997年)中3,461名妇女的基线数据与挪威医学出生登记处截至2005年的分娩数据进行了合并。他们使用线性回归前瞻性研究了舒张压和收缩压,甘油三酸酯浓度之间的关联。 ,妊娠前和出生体重之前测量的血清总胆固醇和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,用于后代的胎龄。妊娠前的血压与胎龄儿的体重成反比,而血清总胆固醇,高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,甘油三酸酯和葡萄糖的不利水平与胎龄儿的体重成正比。因此,血压较高的妇女倾向于分娩小婴儿,而血脂水平不高的妇女则倾向于分娩大婴儿,这表明葡萄糖耐量降低。这些发现表明,后代的出生体重偏低或偏高可能表明母亲的心血管风险增加。



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