首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Patterns of influenza-associated mortality among US elderly by geographic region and virus subtype, 1968-1998.

Patterns of influenza-associated mortality among US elderly by geographic region and virus subtype, 1968-1998.


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The regular seasonality of influenza in temperate countries is recognized, but regional differences in patterns of influenza-related mortality are poorly understood. Identifying patterns could improve epidemic prediction and prevention. The authors analyzed the monthly percentage of deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza among people aged 65 or more years in the contiguous United States, 1968-1998. The local Moran's I test for spatial autocorrelation and correlograms assessing space-time synchrony within each influenza season were applied to detect and to characterize mortality patterns. Western US regions experienced epidemics of greater magnitude than did eastern regions. Positive spatial autocorrelation (two-sided p = 0.001) revealed the similarity in influenza mortality of neighboring states, with several western states forming a focus of high mortality. In transmission seasons dominated by virus subtype A(H3N2), mortality was correlated at a high and consistent level across the United States (mean correlation = 0.56, standard deviation = 0.134). However, when subtype A(H1N1) or type B dominated, the average synchrony was lower (mean correlation = 0.23, standard deviation = 0.058). These novel analyses suggest that causes of spatial heterogeneity (e.g., large-scale environmental drivers and population movement) have impacted influenza-associated mortality.
机译:人们认识到温带国家流感的季节性是季节性的,但人们对与流感相关的死亡率的区域差异知之甚少。识别模式可以改善流行病的预测和预防。作者分析了1968-1998年间美国65岁及65岁以上人群中归因于肺炎和流感的每月死亡百分比。应用当地的Moran's I检验空间自相关性和评估每个流感季节内时空同步性的相关图,以检测和表征死亡率模式。美国西部地区的流行病比东部地区严重。积极的空间自相关(两面p = 0.001)表明,邻近州的流感死亡率相似,一些西部州成为高死亡率的焦点。在病毒亚型A(H3N2)为主的传播季节,死亡率在全美国处于较高且一致的水平上(平均相关= 0.56,标准差= 0.134)。但是,当亚型A(H1N1)或B型占主导地位时,平均同步性较低(平均值相关= 0.23,标准差= 0.058)。这些新颖的分析表明,空间异质性的原因(例如,大规模的环境驱动因素和人口迁移)已经影响了与流感相关的死亡率。



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