首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >eNOS 894T allele and coronary blood flow at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperemia.

eNOS 894T allele and coronary blood flow at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperemia.

机译:eNOS 894T等位基因和腺嘌呤诱发的充血期间的冠状动脉血流量。

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The 894T allele of a G894T polymorphism in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene is associated with decreased eNOS activity, cleavage of the protein, and endothelial dysfunction. The present study evaluated the association with coronary blood flow (CBF) at rest and during adenosine (ADO)-induced hyperemia. CBF was determined by Doppler flow wire and angiography in 97 left anterior descending arteries of individuals without coronary artery disease. At rest, average peak velocity (APV) was lower and coronary vascular resistance (CVR) was higher in homozygous carriers of the 894T allele than in heterozygotes and individuals without the 894T allele. CBF tended to be lower in eNOS 894T allele carriers. During ADO-induced hyperemia (18 microg ic), APV, CVR, and CBF were not statistically different between the genotypes. The reduced APV at rest in conjunction with an increased CVR indicates a vasomotor dysfunction related to an increased microvascular resting tone in eNOS 894T allele carriers.
机译:内皮一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)基因中G894T多态性的894T等位基因与eNOS活性降低,蛋白裂解和内皮功能障碍有关。本研究评估了静息和腺苷(ADO)引起的充血期间冠状动脉血流量(CBF)的相关性。通过多普勒血流图和血管造影在无冠状动脉疾病的个体的97个左前降支动脉中测定CBF。静止时,与没有894T等位基因的杂合子和个体相比,在894T等位基因的纯合子携带者中平均峰值速度(APV)较低,冠状血管阻力(CVR)更高。 eNOS 894T等位基因携带者的CBF倾向于较低。在ADO引起的充血(18 microg ic)中,基因型之间的APV,CVR和CBF差异无统计学意义。静息APV降低与CVR升高相结合,表明与eNOS 894T等位基因携带者微血管静息音升高有关的血管舒缩功能障碍。



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