首页> 外文期刊>Biochimica et biophysica acta: BBA: International journal of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biololgy. Proteins and Proteomics >Mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes as sources and targets of thiol-based redox-regulation

Mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes as sources and targets of thiol-based redox-regulation


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The respiratory chain of the inner mitochondrial membrane is a unique assembly of protein complexes that transfers the electrons of reducing equivalents extracted from foodstuff to molecular oxygen to generate a proton-motive force as the primary energy source for cellular ATP-synthesis. Recent evidence indicates that redox reactions are also involved in regulating mitochondrial function via redox-modification of specific cysteine-thiol groups in subunits of respiratory chain complexes. Vice versa the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by respiratory chain complexes may have an impact on the mitochondrial redox balance through reversible and irreversible thiol-modification of specific target proteins involved in redox signaling, but also pathophysiological processes. Recent evidence indicates that thiol-based redox regulation of the respiratory chain activity and especially S-nitrosylation of complex I could be a strategy to prevent elevated ROS production, oxidative damage and tissue necrosis during ischemia-reperfusion injury. This review focuses on the thiol-based redox processes involving the respiratory chain as a source as well as a target, including a general overview on mitochondria as highly compartmentalized redox organelles and on methods to investigate the redox state of mitochondrial proteins. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Thiol-Based Redox Processes.



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