首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Transient induction of TGF-alpha disrupts lung morphogenesis, causing pulmonary disease in adulthood.

Transient induction of TGF-alpha disrupts lung morphogenesis, causing pulmonary disease in adulthood.


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Clinical studies have associated increased transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha and EGF receptor with lung remodeling in diseases including bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). BPD is characterized by disrupted alveolar and vascular morphogenesis, inflammation, and remodeling. To determine whether transient increases in TGF-alpha are sufficient to disrupt postnatal lung morphogenesis, we utilized neonatal transgenic mice conditionally expressing TGF-alpha. Expression of TGF-alpha from postnatal days 3 to 5 disrupted postnatal alveologenesis, causing permanent enlargement of distal air spaces in neonatal and adult mice. Lung volume-to-body weight ratios and lung compliance were increased in adult TGF-alpha transgenic mice, whereas tissue and airway elastance were reduced. Elastin fibers in the alveolar septae were fragmented and disorganized. Pulmonary vascular morphogenesis was abnormal in TGF-alpha mice, with attenuated and occasionally tortuous arterial branching. The ratios of right ventricle weight to left ventricle plus septal weight were increased in TGF-alpha mice, indicating pulmonary hypertension. Electron microscopy showed gaps in the capillary endothelium and extravasation of erythrocytes into the alveolar space of TGF-alpha mice. Hemorrhage and inflammatory cells were seen in distal air spaces at 1 mo of age. In adult TGF-alpha mice, alveolar remodeling, nodules, proteinaceous deposits, and inflammatory cells were seen. Immunostaining for pro-surfactant protein C showed that type II cells were abundant in the nodules, as well as neutrophils and macrophages. Trichrome staining showed that pulmonary fibrosis was minimal, apart from areas of nodular remodeling in adult TGF-alpha mice. Transient induction of TGF-alpha during early alveologenesis permanently disrupted lung structure and function and caused chronic lung disease.
机译:临床研究表明,在包括支气管肺发育异常(BPD)在内的疾病中,转化生长因子(TGF)-α和EGF受体的增加与肺重构有关。 BPD的特征是肺泡和血管形态发生破坏,炎症和重塑。为了确定TGF-α的瞬时增加是否足以破坏出生后的肺形态发生,我们利用了有条件表达TGF-α的新生转基因小鼠。从出生后第3天到第5天,TGF-α的表达破坏了出生后的肺泡形成,导致新生鼠和成年鼠的远端气隙永久增大。成年TGF-α转基因小鼠的肺体积与体重之比和肺顺应性增加,而组织和气道弹性降低。肺泡隔中的弹性蛋白纤维断裂且杂乱无章。 TGF-α小鼠的肺血管形态发生异常,动脉分支变弱,偶有曲折。在TGF-α小鼠中,右心室重量与左心室重量加隔膜重量的比率增加,表明存在肺动脉高压。电镜显示毛细血管内皮间隙和红细胞渗入TGF-α小鼠的肺泡腔。 1个月大时在远端气隙中发现出血和炎性细胞。在成年TGF-α小鼠中,可见肺泡重塑,结节,蛋白质沉积和炎性细胞。前表面活性剂蛋白C的免疫染色显示,结节以及嗜中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞中富含II型细胞。三色染色显示,除了成年TGF-α小鼠的结节重塑区域外,肺纤维化最小。早期肺泡形成过程中TGF-α的短暂诱导永久性破坏了肺的结构和功能,并导致了慢性肺部疾病。



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