首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Basal metabolism does not account for high O2 consumption in stunned myocardium.

Basal metabolism does not account for high O2 consumption in stunned myocardium.


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Myocardial O2 consumption (MVo2) in stunned myocardium is relatively high compared with the reduced ventricular function. The mechanism of this "oxygen paradox" could occur at different levels: basal metabolism, excitation-contraction coupling, and energy production. In one previously reported series on 12 isolated, blood-perfused rabbit hearts, left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in stunned myocardium were significantly decreased compared with control, whereas total MVo2 was not. The MVo2 for the unloaded contraction was overproportionately high for the decreased function in stunned myocardium, and contractile efficiency was clearly deteriorated. To assess whether the basal metabolism specifically is elevated in stunned myocardium, a second series (n = 14) with a similar protocol was performed in this study. Basal MVo2 after KCl arrest (0.5 +/- 0.3 ml.min-1.100 g-1) was significantly lower than that measured after KCl arrest (1.2 +/- 0.5 ml.min-1.100 g-1) in an additional series on nonischemic hearts (n = 8). Our conclusion is that basal MVo2 in stunned myocardium is not elevated. Thus this O2-consuming portion of total MVo2 is not responsible for the inefficiency in stunned myocardium. Instead, a "metabolic stunning" occurs at the level of both excitation-contraction coupling and force development by the contractile apparatus.
机译:与心室功能降低相比,昏迷的心肌中的氧气消耗量(MVo2)相对较高。这种“氧气悖论”的机制可能发生在不同的水平上:基础代谢,激发-收缩偶联和能量产生。在先前报道的一系列关于12个离体血液灌注兔心脏的研究中,与对照组相比,昏迷心肌的左心室收缩和舒张功能显着降低,而总MVo2却没有。由于昏迷的心肌功能下降,MVo2的卸载收缩过高,收缩效率明显降低。为了评估昏迷心肌的基础代谢是否特别升高,在本研究中进行了具有类似方案的第二系列(n = 14)。在非缺血性的其他系列试验中,KCl停滞后的基础MVo2(0.5 +/- 0.3 ml.min-1.100 g-1)明显低于KCl停滞后的基础MVo2(1.2 +/- 0.5 ml.min-1.100 g-1)。心(n = 8)。我们的结论是,昏迷心肌中的基础MVo2并未升高。因此,总MVo2的这一耗氧量部分不会导致昏迷的心肌无效。取而代之的是,在激励-收缩耦合和由收缩装置产生力的水平上都发生“新陈代谢”。



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