首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Decompensated hemorrhage activates serotonergic neurons in the subependymal parapyramidal region of the rat medulla.

Decompensated hemorrhage activates serotonergic neurons in the subependymal parapyramidal region of the rat medulla.


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According to prior evidence opioid and serotonin release by lower brain stem neurons may contribute to hemorrhage-induced sympathoinhibition (HISI). Here we seek direct evidence for the activation of opioidergic, GABAergic, or serotonergic neurons by severe hemorrhage in the medulla oblongata. Blood was withdrawn from awake rats (40-50% total volume) causing hypotension and profound initial bradycardia. Other rats received the vasodilator hydralazine, causing tachycardia and hypotension. Neuronal activation was gauged by the presence of Fos-immunoreactive (ir) nuclei after 2 h. Serotonergic, enkephalinergic, and GABAergic neurons were identified by the presence of a diagnostic enzyme or mRNA. Hemorrhaged rats had 30% fewer non-GABAergic Fos-ir neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) than hydralazine-treated rats, but they had six times more Fos-ir neurons within the subependymal parapyramidal nucleus (SEPPN). Fos-labeled SEPPN neurons were serotonergic (40-60%), GABAergic (31%), enkephalinergic (15%), or had mixed phenotypes. The data suggest that a reduced sympathoexcitatory drive from RVLM may contribute to HISI. SEPPN neuronal activation may also contribute to HISI or could mediate defensive thermoregulatory mechanisms triggered by hemorrhage-induced hypothermia.
机译:根据先前的证据,下脑干神经元释放的阿片类药物和5-羟色胺可能导致出血引起的交感神经抑制(HISI)。在这里,我们寻求通过延髓中严重出血来激活视神经,GABA能或血清素能神经元激活的直接证据。从清醒的大鼠中抽血(占总体积的40-50%),引起低血压和严重的初期心动过缓。其他大鼠接受血管扩张剂肼屈嗪,引起心动过速和低血压。 2小时后,通过Fos免疫反应(ir)核的存在来评估神经元的激活。通过诊断性酶或mRNA的存在来鉴定出血清素能,脑啡能和GABA能神经元。出血大鼠的头侧腹外侧延髓(RVLM)中的非GABA能Fos-ir神经元比肼苯哒嗪处理的大鼠少30%,但它们在表皮下锥体束旁核(SEPPN)中的Fos-ir神经元多六倍。 Fos标记的SEPPN神经元是血清素能(40-60%),GABA能(31%),脑啡肽能(15%)或具有混合表型。数据表明,RVLM引起的交感兴奋驱动力降低可能有助于HISI。 SEPPN神经元激活也可能导致HISI或介导由出血引起的体温过低触发的防御性体温调节机制。



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