首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Low-salt diet downregulates plasma but not tissue kallikrein-kinin system.

Low-salt diet downregulates plasma but not tissue kallikrein-kinin system.


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The kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) is involved in the regulation of blood pressure and in the sodium and water excretion. In humans, the KKS is divided functionally into a plasma KKS (pKKS) generating the biologically active peptide bradykinin and into the tissue (glandular) KKS (tKKS) generating the active peptide kallidin. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of a low-NaCl diet on the concentration of both pKKS and tKKS in plasma and urine in 10 healthy volunteers. After a 4-day low-NaCl diet, the urinary sodium and chloride excretions had decreased from 234 to 21.2 mmol/24 h and from 198 to 14.6 mmol/24 h, respectively. The plasma levels of ANG I, aldosterone, and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) significantly increased from 50.4 to 82.8 pg/ml, from 129 to 315 pg/ml, and from 46.4 to 59.8 U/ml, respectively, demonstrating the physiological adjustment to the low-salt diet. In plasma, the levels of bradykinin and plasma kallikrein had significantly decreased from 13.7 to 7.57 pg/ml and 14.4 to 7.13 U/ml, respectively. However, the levels of high-molecular-weight kininogen (HMW kininogen) remain unchanged (101 vs. 112 microg/ml, not significant). Contrary to plasma kallikrein, the plasma levels of tissue kallikrein increased (0.345 vs. 0.500 U/ml; P < 0.01). The plasma kallidin levels, however, did not change (64.7 vs. 68.6 pg/ml, not significant). This can be explained by a simultaneous decrease in the plasma low-molecular-weight kininogen (LMW kininogen) levels (89.9 vs. 44.4 microg/ml; P < 0.05). As in plasma, we find increased urinary concentrations of renal (tissue) kallikrein (23.3 to 42.8 U/24 h; P < 0.05) that contrast with, and are presumably counterbalanced by, urinary LMW kininogen levels (77.0 vs. 51.8 microg/24 h; P < 0.05). Consequently, in urine low-NaCl diet caused no significant change in either bradykinin or kallidin (9.2 vs. 10.8 microg/24 h, and 10.9 vs. 10.3 microg/24 h). It is concluded that the stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system on a low-NaCl diet is associated with a decrease in pKKS (bradykinin and plasma kallikrein) but not in tissue and renal KKS. Although tissue kallikrein is increased, there is no change in kallidin, as LMW kininogen in plasma and urine is decreased. These data suggest a difference in the regulation of pKKS and tKKS by low-salt diet.
机译:激肽释放酶激肽系统(KKS)参与血压的调节以及钠和水的排泄。在人类中,KKS在功能上分为产生生物活性肽缓激肽的血浆KKS(pKKS)和产生活性肽kallidin的组织(腺体)KKS(tKKS)。这项研究的目的是检查低NaCl饮食对10名健康志愿者血浆和尿液中pKKS和tKKS浓度的影响。经过4天的低NaCl饮食后,尿钠和氯的排泄量分别从234降至21.2 mmol / 24 h和从198降至14.6 mmol / 24 h。血浆ANG I,醛固酮和血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)的血浆水平分别从50.4 pg / ml增至82.8 pg / ml,129 pg / ml增至315 pg / ml,46.4 ug / ml增至59.8 U / ml,这说明了对低盐饮食。在血浆中,缓激肽和血浆激肽释放酶的水平分别从13.7 pg / ml降至7.57 pg / ml,从14.4 pg / ml降至7.13 U / ml。但是,高分子量激肽原(HMW激肽原)的含量保持不变(101 vs. 112 microg / ml,不显着)。与血浆激肽释放酶相反,血浆激肽释放酶的血浆水平增加(0.345 vs. 0.500 U / ml; P <0.01)。然而,血浆激肽释放酶的水平没有变化(64.7 vs. 68.6 pg / ml,不显着)。这可以通过同时降低血浆低分子量激肽原(LMW激肽原)水平来解释(89.9 vs. 44.4 microg / ml; P <0.05)。与血浆中一样,我们发现肾脏(组织)激肽释放酶的尿液浓度升高(23.3至42.8 U / 24 h; P <0.05),与尿液LMW激肽原水平相反,并据此抵消(77.0 vs. 51.8 microg / 24) h; P <0.05)。因此,在尿液中,低NaCl饮食对缓激肽或激肽释放酶的作用无明显变化(9.2 vs. 10.8 microg / 24 h,10.9 vs. 10.3 microg / 24 h)。结论是,低NaCl饮食刺激肾素-血管紧张素系统与pKKS(缓激肽和血浆激肽释放酶)减少有关,但与组织和肾脏KKS无关。尽管组织激肽释放酶增加,但由于血浆和尿液中的LMW激肽原减少,激肽释放酶没有变化。这些数据表明低盐饮食对pKKS和tKKS的调节存在差异。



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