首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Continuity between wound macrophage and fibroblast phenotype: analysis of wound fibroblast phagocytosis.

Continuity between wound macrophage and fibroblast phenotype: analysis of wound fibroblast phagocytosis.


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Analysis of phagocytic activity in wound fibroblasts was chosen as a means to assess the possible continuity between macrophage and fibroblast phenotypes. Fibroblast phagocytosis of uncoated, IgG-coated, or collagen-coated fluorescent beads was analyzed by flow cytometry in vivo and in vitro. Phagocytosis of fluorescent beads by procollagen I-positive cells (fibroblasts) was evaluated in vivo by injecting beads into subcutaneously implanted sponge wounds in anesthetized Fisher rats. Phagocytic activity of a purified population of wound fibroblasts was measured in vitro and correlated with oxidation state using hydroethidium. In the wound environment, 50-60% of the cells that engulfed uncoated, IgG-coated, or collagen-coated beads were procollagen I-positive cells (i.e., fibroblasts). Procollagen I-positive cells engulfed uncoated and IgG-coated beads in preference to collagen-coated beads in vivo. Cultured wound fibroblasts engulfed uncoated, IgG-coated, and collagen-coated particles. The majority of fibroblasts that engulfed beads were in an elevated oxidation state. We conclude that substantial fibroblast phagocytosis occurs in the wound, but scavenger receptor-mediated fibroblast phagocytosis is different from that of macrophages. Additional markers will be helpful in defining the macrophage fibroblast continuum.



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