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Crossing the Traditional Boundaries: Salen-Based Schiff Bases for Thermal Protective Applications


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A broad spectrum of applications of "Salen"-based Schiff bases tagged them as versatile multifunctional materials. However, their applicability is often bounded by a temperature threshold and, thus, they have rarely been used for high temperature applications. Our investigation of a classical Schiff base, N,N'-bis(4-hydroxysalicylidene)-ethylenediamine (L2), reveals that it displays an intriguingly combative response to an elevated temperature/fire scenario. L2 resists and regulates thermal degradation by forming an ablative surface, and acts as a thermal shield. A polycondensation via covalent cross-linking, which forms a hyperbranched cross-linked resin is found to constitute the origin of the ablative surface. This is a unique example of a resin formation produced with a Schiff base, that mimicks the operational strategy of a high-heat resistant phenolic resin. Further applicability of L2, as a flame retardant, was tested in an engineering polymer, polyamide-6. It was found that it reinforces the polymer against fire risks by the formation of an intumescent coating. This paves the way for a new strategic avenue in safeguarding polymeric materials toward fire risks. Further, this material represents a promising start for thermal protective applications.
机译:基于“ Salen”的席夫碱的广泛应用将它们标记为通用多功能材料。但是,它们的适用性通常受到温度阈值的限制,因此,很少将它们用于高温应用。我们对经典席夫碱N,N'-双(4-羟基水杨基)-乙二胺(L2)的研究表明,它对升高的温度/火势表现出令人着迷的战斗力。 L2通过形成烧蚀表面来抵抗和调节热降解,并充当隔热板。发现通过共价交联的缩聚形成超支化的交联树脂构成烧蚀表面的起源。这是用席夫碱生产的树脂成型品的独特示例,它模仿了高耐热酚醛树脂的操作策略。在工程聚合物聚酰胺6中测试了L2作为阻燃剂的进一步适用性。已经发现,它通过形成膨胀涂层来增强聚合物抵抗火灾的危险。这为在保护聚合物材料免受火灾风险方面开辟新的战略途径铺平了道路。此外,这种材料代表了热防护应用的有希望的开始。



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