首页> 外文期刊>形成外科 >片側唇裂初回手術時における外鼻形成術とその経過



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In our unit, the primary correction of cleft lip is performed at the age of one month old along with rhino-plasty. In cheiloplasty, the straight method with semicircular flap is used, and in rhinoplasty, the reverse U incision method is used. We evaluated our result at the preschool age. The assessment of photographs of 49 cases suggested that in 39 % of complete cases and 23 % of incomplete cases revision was necessary before elementary school. In addition, we commenced anthropometric evaluation of 10 cases without primary rhinoplasty, 10 cases with primary rhinoplasty, and 10 normal cases with cone beam CT. In the group without primary rhinoplasty, the nasolabial angle and nasal tip angle were acute. In the group with primary rhinoplasty, the nasolabial angle was near the normal value. There was no significant difference in columella length and tip projection between two groups with and without rhinoplasty. In the vertical tip position, also, there was no significant difference. In consideration of our results, we concluded that primary rhinoplasty did not disturb nasal growth and we can expect normal nasal growth as long as primary rhinoplasty is performed appropriately.



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