首页> 外文期刊>ACS applied materials & interfaces >Photostable Bipolar Fluorescent Probe for Video Tracking Plasma Membranes Related Cellular Processes

Photostable Bipolar Fluorescent Probe for Video Tracking Plasma Membranes Related Cellular Processes


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Plasma membranes can sense the stimulations and transmit the signals from extracellular environment and then make further responses through changes in locations, shapes or morphologies. Common fluorescent membrane markers are not well suited for long time tracking due to their shorter retention time inside plasma membranes and/or their lower photostability. To this end, we develop a new bipolar marker, Mem-SQAC, which can stably insert into plasma membranes of different cells and exhibits a long retention time over 30 min. Mem-SQAC also inherits excellent photostability from the BODIPY dye family. Large two-photon absorption cross sections and long wavelength fluorescence emissions further enhance the competitiveness of Mem-SQAC as a membrane marker. By using Mem-SQAC, significant morphological changes of plasma membranes have been monitored during heavy metal poisoning and drug induced apoptosis of MCF-7 cells; the change tendencies are so distinctly different from each other that they can be used as indicators to distinguish different cell injuries. Further on, the complete processes of endocytosis toward Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by RAW 264.7 cells have been dynamically tracked. It is discovered that plasma membranes take quite different actions in response to the two bacteria, information unavailable in previous research reports.
机译:质膜可以感知刺激并传递来自细胞外环境的信号,然后通过位置,形状或形态的变化做出进一步的反应。普通的荧光膜标记物由于其在质膜中的保留时间较短和/或其光稳定性较低,因此不适合长时间跟踪。为此,我们开发了一种新的双极标记物Mem-SQAC,它可以稳定地插入不同细胞的质膜中,并在30分钟内具有较长的保留时间。 Mem-SQAC还继承了BODIPY染料系列的出色光稳定性。大的两光子吸收截面和长波长荧光发射进一步增强了Mem-SQAC作为膜标记的竞争力。通过使用Mem-SQAC,在重金属中毒和药物诱导的MCF-7细胞凋亡过程中,质膜的形态发生了明显变化。变化趋势彼此之间截然不同,可以用作区分不同细胞损伤的指标。进一步地,已经动态追踪了RAW 264.7细胞对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌的内吞作用的完整过程。已发现质膜对两种细菌的​​反应完全不同,以前的研究报告中没有此信息。



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