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Reported food allergy to peanut, tree nuts and fruit: comparison of clinical manifestations, prescription of medication and impact on daily life.


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BACKGROUND: Peanut (PN), tree nuts (TN) and fruits are frequent causes of food allergy (FA). Peanut and TN are believed to cause more severe reactions than fruits. However, there are no studies comparing the severity of PN, TN and fruit allergy within one patient group. METHODS: Four-hundred and eleven adult patients referred to our tertiary allergy center with suspicion of FA completed a standardized questionnaire. Patients with a typical history of immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergy, e.g. oropharyngeal symptoms to PN, TN (hazelnut, walnut, cashew nut) or fruit (apple, kiwi, peach, pear and cherry) were recruited (218/411). The objective was to evaluate differences in clinical severity between PN, TN and fruit allergy and how this was reflected by prescription of emergency medication and impact on daily life. RESULTS: Eighty-two percent of the included 218 patients were sensitized to the respective foods. The percentages of severe symptoms (i.e. respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms) in PN, TN and fruit allergic patients were respectively 47%, 39% and 31% (respiratory) and 11%, 5.0% and 3.4% (cardiovascular). Prescription and use of emergency medication (epinephrine, antihistamines and steroids) did not differ among the three groups. The majority of patients with a PN or TN allergy (72%) and fruit allergy (62%) reported that FA influences their daily life considerably. CONCLUSIONS: Fruit allergy causes less severe symptoms than TN and especially PN allergy. However, this is not reflected in the prescription or use of emergency medication. This may indicate that physicians are not fully acquainted with the guidelines for prescription of emergency medication. A high impact on daily life was found both in PN, TN and in fruit allergy.
机译:背景:花生(PN),坚果(TN)和水果是食物过敏(FA)的常见原因。花生和TN被认为比水果引起更严重的反应。但是,尚无研究比较一个患者组中PN,TN和水果过敏的严重程度。方法:怀疑有FA的三百一十一名成年患者转诊至我们的第三级过敏中心完成了一份标准化问卷。具有免疫球蛋白E(IgE)介导的过敏史的典型患者,例如招募了PN,TN(榛子,核桃,腰果)或水果(苹果,猕猴桃,桃,梨和樱桃)的口咽症状(218/411)。目的是评估PN,TN和水果过敏之间临床严重程度的差异,以及如何通过急诊药物处方反映这种差异以及对日常生活的影响。结果:218名患者中有82%对相应食物敏感。 PN,TN和水果过敏患者中的严重症状(即呼吸道或心血管症状)的百分比分别为47%,39%和31%(呼吸道)和11%,5.0%和3.4%(心血管)。三组之间的急诊药物(肾上腺素,抗组胺药和类固醇)的处方和使用没有差异。大部分患有PN或TN过敏(72%)和水果过敏(62%)的患者报告说,FA对他们的日常生活有很大影响。结论:水果过敏引起的症状不如TN严重,尤其是PN过敏。但是,这并未反映在处方药或紧急药物的使用中。这可能表明医师不完全了解急诊药物处方指南。在PN,TN和水果过敏中都发现了对日常生活的重大影响。



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