首页> 外文期刊>American journal of psychiatry >Assessment and Treatment of Correctional Inmates With ADHD

Assessment and Treatment of Correctional Inmates With ADHD


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Mr. A is a 32-year-old inmate in a medium-security prison who is being treated by the facility psychiatrist for recently diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). His school records are not available, but Mr. A's parents report that they always struggled to get him to do his homework and that he had academic difficulties from the third or fourth grade. They recall his teachers reporting that he easily became bored in class, often fidgeted, could not sit still, had problems focusing on schoolwork, and generally did not perform up to his potential. He did not complete high school. While in prison, he enrolled in GED courses, and the instructors confirm that despite his apparent motivation, he still has difficulty concentrating, organizing his work, and finishing projects. He also has a job in the prison kitchen, and his supervisor reports that Mr. A often forgets to complete assigned tasks and makes mistakes with tasks that involve multiple steps. He has received a warning that he could lose his job if his performance does not improve. Officers on his cellblock report that he seems restless during times of high activity or noise on the unit. Mr. A never had a clinical assessment for his problems prior to his incarceration. Not long after his arrival, the prison psychologist administered an ADHD symptom questionnaire and tested for problems with attention. Interview and test results were consistent with a diagnosis of ADHD. The prison psychiatrist prescribed a 2-month course of 400 mg/day of bupropion,which brought no noticeable improvement. Mr. A has also enrolled in an ADHD educational group at the prison that includes a focus on organizational skills and impulse control.Mr. B is a 29-year-old inmate in a maximum-security prison who presents with the complaint "I need something to help me concentrate and keep me out of trouble." He reports that he was always a "lousy student" and is a high school dropout. He also states that he was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and took methylphenidateprior to incarceration. He complains that it now takes him a long time to read a book or to complete a letter, and he has received several disciplinary reports for fighting, for disobeying correctional officers, and for positive urine drug screens for benzodiazepines and opiates. He endorses multiple ADHD symptoms on a self-report checklist. Since his incarceration, he has not tried to enroll in educational, work, or other prison programming because he believes that he would not be able to focus on any of these tasks. Mr. B will not consent to contact with his family or sign a release for past treatment records and states that "none of that matters" to what he needs now. He refuses additional psychological testing, and he believes that group treatment is "just a lot of talk and a waste of time." He knows that other inmates receive stimulant medications for their ADHD, and he has no interest in trying any medication other than a stimulant.
机译:A先生是一间中等安全性监狱中的32岁囚犯,他因近期被诊断出注意力不足过动症(ADHD)而被设施精神病医生治疗。没有他的学校记录,但是A先生的父母报告说,他们一直在努力让他做功课,而且他从三年级到四年级都有学术困难。他们回想起他的老师报告说,他很容易在课堂上变得无聊,经常烦躁,坐不下来,在专注于功课上遇到困难,并且总体上没有发挥出他的潜力。他没有完成高中。在监狱期间,他参加了GED课程,并且教练确认尽管他有明显的动机,但他仍然难以集中精力,组织工作并完成项目。他还在监狱厨房里工作,他的上司报告说A先生经常忘记完成分配的任务,并且在涉及多个步骤的任务中犯了错误。他已经收到警告,如果他的表现没有改善,他可能会失业。牢房内的人员报告说,他在活动频繁或设备发出噪音的时候似乎躁动不安。 A先生被监禁之前从未对他的问题进行过临床评估。监狱心理学家抵达后不久,就进行了ADHD症状问卷调查,并测试了注意问题。访谈和测试结果与多动症的诊断一致。监狱精神病医生开了两个月400毫克/天的安非他酮疗程,但未见明显改善。 A先生还参加了监狱中的ADHD教育小组,该小组的工作重点是组织技能和冲动控制。 B是一名最高安全监狱中的29岁囚犯,他提出申诉“我需要一些帮助我集中精力并使自己摆脱困境的东西。”他报告说自己一直是“糟糕的学生”,并且是高中辍学生。他还说,他在儿童时期就被诊断出患有多动症,并在监禁之前服用了哌醋甲酯。他抱怨说,现在他要花很长时间才能读书或完成一封信,而且他还收到了几项纪律报告,内容涉及打架,不服从教养人员以及筛查苯二氮卓类和鸦片类药物的尿液阳性。他在自我报告清单上认可了多动症的多种症状。自被监禁以来,他一直没有尝试过参加教育,工作或其他监狱计划,因为他认为他将无法专注于这些任务中的任何一项。 B先生不会同意与他的家人联系或签署一份过去治疗记录的释放书,并声明“这无关紧要”对他现在所需要的东西。他拒绝接受额外的心理测试,他认为团体治疗“只是很多谈话,浪费时间”。他知道其他囚犯会因自己的注意力缺陷多动障碍而接受刺激性药物治疗,他对尝试除刺激性药物以外的任何药物都没有兴趣。



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