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Tamarins: Insights into monogamous and non-monogamous single female social and breeding systems


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Tamarins are reported to live in small multimale-multifemale groups characterized by a single breeding female. Here we present information on the composition and genetic relatedness of individuals in 12 wild-trapped groups of Weddell's saddleback tamarins (Saguinus weddelli) from northern Bolivia to determine if groups are best described as nuclear or extended families suggesting social monogamy or whether groups contain several unrelated same sex adults indicative of social polyandry/polygyny. Mean group size was 6.25 including an average of 2.16 adult males (range 1-4) and 2.08 adult females (1-3). No group contained only one adult male and one adult female and 25% of groups contained two parous females. We estimated the genetic relatedness among individuals using 13 polymorphic microsatellite markers. Across the population, mean relatedness was low and not significantly different among adult males versus among adult females, suggesting that both sexes disperse from their natal groups. Adults of both sexes also tended to have close same-sex adult relatives within their groups; relatedness among adult females of the same group averaged 0.31 and among adult males was 0.26. This suggests that tamarins of one or both sexes sometimes delay dispersal and remain as adults in their natal group or that emigration of same-sexed relatives into the same group may be common. Finally, parentage analyses indicated that, whereas the parents of juveniles generally were present in the group, this was not always the case. Based on these data, published reports of the presence of multiple breeding males and occasionally multiple breeding females in the same group, and the fact that less than 10% of groups in the wild contain a single adult male-adult female pair, we argue that social polyandry best characterizes the composition of tamarin groups and that monogamy is not a common mating pattern in Saguinus weddelli or other tamarin species. Am. J. Primatol. 78:298-314, 2016. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:据报道,绢毛猴生活在以多头雌性为特征的小型多雄多雌群体中。在这里,我们介绍了来自玻利维亚北部的12个野生诱捕的Weddell鞍形绢毛猴(Saguinus weddelli)组中个体的组成和遗传相关性信息,以确定这些组是否被最好地描述为表明社会一夫一妻制的核心或大家庭,或者该组是否包含几个无关的表示社会一夫多妻制/一夫多妻制的同性成年人。平均小组人数为6.25,其中平均有2.16名成年男性(1-4岁)和2.08名成年女性(1-3岁)。没有一个小组只有一名成年男性和一名成年女性,而25%的小组中只有两名成年女性。我们使用13个多态微卫星标记估计了个体之间的遗传相关性。在整个人群中,成年男性与成年女性之间的平均相关性很低,并且没有显着差异,这表明性别从其出生群体中分散。男女成年人在他们的群体中也倾向于有近亲同性的成年人。同一组成年女性之间的相关性平均为0.31,成年男性之间的相关性为0.26。这表明,一个或两个性别的绢毛猴有时会延迟散布并成年后仍成年在他们的出生群体中,或者同性近亲移居到同一群体中可能很常见。最后,亲子关系分析表明,虽然该组中通常有未成年人的父母,但情况并非总是如此。基于这些数据,已发表的报告表明同一群体中存在多个育种雄性,偶尔存在多个育种雌性,而且在野生环境中只有不到10%的群体包含一对成年雌成体,这一事实表明,社会一夫多妻制最能说明猴群的组成,而一夫一妻制不是Saguinus weddelli或其他猴物种的常见交配模式。上午。 J. Primatol。 78:298-314,2016.(c)2015威利期刊公司



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