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The third dimension


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Drifting through the world's oceans at all levels - from the water surface down to the seabed - and in an amazing array of colours, shapes and sizes, it's plankton that really makes the world go round. Gazing seaward from a deckchair at Bognor Regisor the silver sands of a Caribbean island, you could be for- given for thinking that the Flat Earth Society got it right. All you can see is a dead flat horizon on all sides. Water - as anybody who endured last winter's floods will testify - finds its own level. A river breaks its banks and every connected square millimetre below that level floods equally. There are no exceptions. But, as we all know, the world is not flat. It is round, and gravity stops us - and water - falling off. The layer of waterstuck onto the planet in this way is so thin when compared to the mass of the Earth that if it were a billiard ball it would only just feel damp; and compared to the film of moisture, the land would only register as a polished surface. Yet the 'dampness' of the oceans represents a biome 6,000 times the size of the biome presented by terrestrial habitats, even though it is only three times the area. That extra multiple of 2,000 results from the fact that only the oceans provide living organisms with a truly three-dimensional habitat to explore and exploit. Terrestrial organisms have only a two-dimensional- or, in the case of birds and flying insects, a very shallow three-dimensional- space to rummage around in. Add to this the fact that the water has been around in a colonisable state for about twice as long as the land, and it should come as no surprise that the oceans hold a biomass and variety of life forms that dwarfs the equivalent on land by several orders of magnitude.
机译:从浮水到海底,遍及世界各个层次的海洋,浮游生物真正使世界运转。从博格诺里吉斯(Bognor Regisor)的躺椅上凝视着大海,向往加勒比海的银沙,您可能会以为平地社会认为对了。您所看到的只是四面八方的僵硬的地平线。就像去年冬天遭受洪水的任何人所证明的,水找到了自己的水位。一条河流冲破了河岸,在该水平面以下的每一平方毫米都相等地淹没。没有例外。但是,众所周知,世界并不平坦。它是圆形的,重力阻止了我们-水-掉落了。与地球的质量相比,以这种方式粘在行星上的水层是如此之薄,以至于如果它是一个撞球,它只会感到潮湿。与湿气膜相比,这片土地只能作为抛光的表面。然而,海洋的“湿润”代表的生物群系是陆地生境呈现的生物群系的6000倍,即使它只是该地区的三倍。 2,000的额外倍数是由于这样的事实,即仅海洋为活生物体提供了一个真正的三维栖息地以供探索和利用。陆地生物只有二维空间,对于鸟类和飞虫来说,则只有非常浅的三维空间,可以在周围四处翻动。此外,水周围存在着可殖民化的状态陆地长两倍于陆地,因此,海洋拥有的生物量和多种生物形式使陆地上的同等生物相形见several,就不足为奇了。



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