首页> 外文期刊>物理探查 >Conductivity structure of seismogenic region in the western Nagano prefecture

Conductivity structure of seismogenic region in the western Nagano prefecture


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The magnetotelluric (MT) survey (14 sites)and controlled source audin-magnetotelluric (CSAMT)survey (37 sites) were conducted along NS traversescrossing the concealed fault system which is consideredto cause the 1984 western Nagano prefecture earthquake.The objective of the survey was to delineate theconductivity structure of the seismogenic region. Aresistivity section of 2-D inversion applied to MT datawere compared with that of joint 2-D inversion applied to CSAMT and MT data.Two resistive anomalies and one conductive anomaly weredetected in regions of intermediate conductivity(100~1,000 ohm-m) in the profile. The resistiveanomalies are considered to he corresponding to thegranite intrusive rock. The conductive anomaly islocated on the hanging wall side of the estimatedearthquake fault and aftershock activity was low inthis area. It is considered that there was many cracksthat were filled with water and slipped like creepingin the conductive zone, and therefore a big destructiondid not occur and aftershock activity was low.The MT data in conjunction with the CSAMT data areverified to he very important to understand the deepgeological structure which is associated with the faultsystem and earthquake of the study area.
机译:Magnetelluric(MT)调查(14个站点)和受控源Audin-MagnetOcturic(CSAMT)调查(CSAMT)调查(37个站点)沿线进行了遍历了被认为导致1984年纳卡诺州地震的隐藏断层系统。调查的目的是描绘震源发生区域的导电结构。施加到MT DATAWERE的2-D反转的恒温部分与施加到CSAMT和MT DATA的关节2-D反转相比。电阻异常和一个导电异常在中间电导率区域(100〜1000欧姆-M)中的一个导电异常中轮廓。抗抗抗抗原性侵入性侵入性侵入性侵入性。在估计的悬挂断层和余震活动的悬挂壁侧上的导电异常是低Inthis区域。被认为有许多裂缝充满了水并像爬行区域一样滑动,因此没有发生一个大的破坏,并且余震活动很低。MT数据与CSAMT数据一起反感了,以便理解他非常重要与研究区的故障系统和地震有关的深度学。



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